Rari Capital’s Week #9 Track 🏎

Under the hood of Rari Capital this past week.

Jack Lipstone
Rari Capital
2 min readFeb 16, 2021


Give it a read and reach out with any questions! 👏

Congratulations to Famous Amos#6622 ❤️🏎Rari of The Week 🏎❤️!

💸 Financials (at time of writing):

  • TVL: $10,192,761
  • Total Fees Generated: $196,559.50
  • Foundation donations: $17,713
  • Burned RGT: 568,717.8190573098
  • Total RGT supply: 9,431,282.1809426902
  • Stable Pool APY: 39.74%
  • Yield Pool APY: 36.83%
  • ETH Pool APY: 24.14%

💻 Development

  • We are working with Quantstamp on finishing up our most recent audit!
  • What was deployed this past week?

→ Alpha Homora integration in Ethereum pool

→ Enzyme integration in Ethereum pool

→ mStable SAVE V2 in Stable and Yield Pools

  • What can you expect to see deployed soon (~very soon~)?

→ [RIP-2, RIP-9] RGT rewards for SushiSwap (will make announcement post soon with more details)

  • In development:

Optimism ecosystem infrastructure:





🏁 Essentials

🗳 Rari Improvement Proposals (https://vote.rari.capital/#/)

  • No new RIPs this week


-Jack (Twitter: @JackLipstone)

To learn more about Rari Capital, visit rari.capital. Stay connected and follow us on Twitter or reach out to help@rari.capital! If you’d like to chat, send us a message on Telegram or Discord.

