Create an app that allows you to list and sell NFTs, in 60 minutes

Szymon Kolber
Rarible Protocol
Published in
9 min readNov 16, 2021

In this tutorial, we’ll use the Rarible protocol to create a simple, yet very practical application. In this app, users will be able to connect their Metamask wallet, see all the NFTs they own (on the Ethereum blockchain), AND list them for sale!

Why dive deep into solidity and waste months on end developing and testing your own contract, when you can just use a complete and fully reliable solution FOR FREE? With only JS! 😄

Without further ado, let’s dive into it!

The app has 3 screens:

  1. “Connect wallet” button screen
Screen #1 — Connect wallet

Since the functionality of our app is limited (showing only NFTs that are owned by the user), there’s no need to show anything on this 1st screen if the user hasn’t yet connected his/her wallet. This functionality is tied to events, so anytime a wallet is connected or disconnected, the content on the screen will be refreshed.

2. “See your NFTs” screen

Screen #2 — See owned NFTs

The main screen of our app. We’re using a nice loading technique, which shows pictures only after they are fully loaded (bonus: I’m gonna show you how to do this also).

3. “List your NFT for sale” screen

Screen #3 — List your NFT for sale

Here, we can create a sell order which can be accepted by others. The buyer will be able to sign the transaction, exchanging ETH tokens to the NFT ownership.

If you’re more comfortable working with code by your side, here is the github repo link for this project:

Clone it and you’ll be ready to go.

0. Application architecture

Let’s first talk a little bit about why we are using what we are using. For the framework, I’ve chosen NextJS. It has a clear project structure and provides routing out of the box. Every folder in the ‘pages’ folder, with an index file in it, is translated into an URL. It allows us to use the Static Site Generator which is a super cool feature, and, because NextJS is a React “relative”, we can also use context. We’ll use it to wrap our app on EthereumContext, which tracks if a wallet is connected or not. Regarding the Type Script, I’ve mainly used it for educational purposes so you can clearly see each type.

1. “Connect Metamask” button screen

The most useful and important thing you can learn from this screen is how to properly create context. Let’s analyse it.

EthereumContext.tsx file

As you can see, we’ve imported two react functions, createContext & useContext, to be able to create a context. After that, we define ContextProps which we’ll be using across our screens. (Don’t feel intimidated by that ‘Partial’ thing, it’s just a way to create an empty context object in TypeScript 😉). We export EthereumContext, as well as useEthContext. EthereumContext will be needed to wrap an app component in it, and useEthContext will be used to retrieve currently stored values.

Let’s take a look at the _app.tsx file, which is the main file for NextJS apps.

Initialising values in _app.tsx

As you can see, there are 2 useEffect here: one with an empty dependency array, and one watching web3 changes. The first one is responsible for checking if our browser supports web3 (in other words, it checks if Metamask is installed and if the window has an Ethereum global variable). If it doesn’t, we create an event listener which will be triggered when Ethereum is initialised.

The second one, allows us to always refresh the currently selected account when web3 changes.

handleEthereum & setCurrentlyConnectedAccount functions

The procedures above represent a pretty standard way to start a crypto project. We destructure the Ethereum property out of window objects, and then check if it’s defined and if it’s Metamask. After that, we set an event listener on the Ethereum object to set accounts, every time we switch an account or disconnect it. And last but not least, we set the web3 object.

As you can see, setCurrentlyConnectedAccount is used strictly for refreshing purposes. It gets your Metamask accounts, and if it finds any, it sets the first one in the array as the currently used one. The first item on the list, returned from the getAccounts function, is always the currently chosen one.

Now comes the best part: _app.tsx file.

Wrapping the whole app in ethereumContext provider

All the hard work to set things up, paid off. Now, we just elegantly wrap the app on EthereumContext.Provider, pass in values previously defined, which will update automatically in case anything changes (since we’ve set event listeners on those), and voilà! We don’t have to worry about wallets any more, the rest is strictly NFT related! 🤩

2. “See your NFTs” screen

Now, we’ll learn how we can list owned NFTs. If you are working with Rarible, you can find the API documentation here. We will use the getNftItemsByOwner endpoint.

Initialisation step in index.tsx

We first define the NftItem type. There are many more properties than these ones, as you can see on the screen of API response, but these four will suit our needs.

API Rarible documentation

Pay attention to how we are using EthContext here. ✨

Fetching items by owner

These are all the logic needed in order to show owned NFTs. Thanks to Rarible API, you can literally do it in only a few lines. First, we need to fetch data from the Rarible API and, afterwards, map through a returned list in order to adjust it to the NftItem type. The HandleConnectWallet button is used to connect your Metamask account. Yep, that’s how you do it, with only ONE line of code!!! People are often scared of Web3, but actually coding in it is pretty simple…

HTML structure for index.tsx

Let’s wrap up the HTML rendering! We have three states here: not connected, connected but NFTs are not fetched yet, and ready. We show only what is needed. In the last case, we map all the NFTs, and render tiles for each one.

Here’s the bonus I mentioned before! If you want to create an image that will shimmer until it’s fully loaded, this is how you do it:

NFTTile Component

Create an isLoaded state, which defines the img display type. If it’s not loaded yet, it is set to none, otherwise it’s a block type. Images have onLoad property which allows us to do something when the image is fully loaded. In this case we’re simply setting isLoaded to true, which copes with our previous logic.

CSS Needed for shimmer animation

The CSS for this animation looks like this. You can find every source on github. Feel free to get “inspired” by that. And, yeah, by “get inspired” I mean ctrl + c, ctrl + v. 😛

2. “List your NFTs for sale” screen

Okay, here is the most interesting part of this tutorial: how can we list an NFT for sale using Rarible? Let’s see:


We’re passing tokenId in the URL, so first, we need to retrieve it by using the next router. If tokenId exists, i.e. if somebody didn’t pass the wrong URL, we’ll fetch tokenData and tokenSellOrder. Unfortunately, these are two different endpoints, so we can’t fetch token price and info in one request. Now let’s move onto something very important, that can probably save you some time.

Config file

On Rarible, there are different endpoints depending on what chain you’re currently using. Since we mostly use a testing chain for development purposes, it will rarely be All you have to do is specify the current network by choosing one from NETWORKS enum. You also have to import the currentChainInfo variable and use it.

Hang on, we are almost done!!!

Button handler in [tokenId].tsx

The button handler is pretty simple, since we have a good code structure. Here, we basically pass all of the needed arguments and delegate it to the createSellOrder function.

CreateSellOrder function body

There are a few types of sell orders, but in this case we’re choosing “MAKE_ERC721_TAKE_ETH”, which literally means: I want to receive ETH tokens in exchange for my ERC-721 NFT.

In order to create a sell order, we have to provide the type of object that will match the request schema (this is based on EIP712). It’s a basic ‘copy and paste’ mechanic, so you can’t innovate too much in this part.

After the object is created, we now want to sign it.

I know it looks odd at first glance, but it really isn’t! Let’s walk through it.

First, we just ‘stringfy’ our data. In a nutshell, we’re sending bytes to the contract so the object has to be in the form of a string. Then, we use a provider which, in our case, is Metamask, to allow the user to sign the transaction. Sig variable is all we need from this function.

We’ve created a template for our data in the form of an object, stringfied it to JSON format, signed it with Metamask and… that’s basically it. We just have one last thing to do: add a signature. We’re adding it to order, like this:

and we’re ready to POST it!

We’ve include raribleJson as request body, set headers to applicaction/json and everything is ready. That’s it! From now on, it is already saved on Rarible, so if we want to interact with that we do it through API requests. 😊


It wasn’t that hard, was it? In this tutorial we’ve created a place to see your NFTs, as well as list them for sale. To do that, we used Rarible, which allows us to interact with smart contracts 100% through their API.

Here you can find the github project for this:

GitHub — kolberszymon/nft-marketplace-tutorial

This is a Next.js 11.x, TailwindCSS 2.x, and TypeScript 4.x starter template For more details, see my blog post. Nextjs…

Here you can find live examples:

NFT Marketplace Tutorial


If you have any further questions, we are always ready to help you! Join our discord, and we will provide the support you need!

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Discord: Szymon From Poland#6093

Github: kolberszymon

Linkedin: koblerszymon

Happy coding, amigos!



Szymon Kolber
Rarible Protocol

Blockchain, crypto, full-stack. Make the world decentralised again 🌎