JavaScript Road

Rashad Walcott
Rashad’s Tech Blogs
2 min readAug 21, 2019

Earlier this year I decided to get back up on the horse and resume my coding journey. For someone that has a Bachelor’s degree you would think “Hey! Maybe that guy might know enough programming to land a job!” Well you would have been incorrect. Even though I graduated I still felt like I was lacking that hands on knowledge and experience that I needed to be able to interview successfully.

I am entering Module 3 at Flatiron School and it feels like I am coming full circle in a way. When I first started doing the pre work online for the bootcamp, I remembered opening Google Chrome and playing with the Developer Tools. I found it absolutely amazing and cool that I could take the heading of the page and replace it with like my moms name per se 🙌🏾. That was a memorable moment for me as well as it really sparked that fire for me to keep going. I know it might be such a small thing to some but for me it was all I needed. I am a very visual person so seeing that really made me feel like I was doing something.

I have been working on Javascript labs over the weekend and the DOM popped back up on my radar and I couldn’t help but smile. I remembered when I was a tad bit scared to mess around with the DOM unsure of what I was doing. This time around I was excited to see what I can do in there and I definitely understood things much better. Altogether, getting to work with the DOM over the weekend left me with a feeling of nostalgia. It made me sit back and just really appreciate where I am right now. To see the progress that I have made in such a short time is incredible. I am just so happy to continue on this coding journey!

