
Published in
2 min readNov 15, 2015

Music is a one of the purest expression of emotion. It does not need a standardised lexicon of language. It has its standards, but those are not absolutely necessary to consume the art form. Music is more primal. The emotions it presents are felt and not explained. When you think of emotions, it is not limited all the love, heartbreak, sorrow. Yet most of the mainstream music traditionally pours these feelings down our eardrums. However, there is an entire spectrum of emotions which is not so fervently represented in the mainstream music scene. Like in society these emotions are avoided, buried, denied. I am talking about pain, anger, aggression, rage.

Lamb of God is a thrash / death metal band from the USA. Their name is a direct reference to Christianity. Hardly a pious one. In the song ruin, they are confronting faith as directly as one can. Rather than the lyrics which have few thought-provoking ideas, I want you to focus on the music. There are much darker paths in this side of music, this is just one of the starting points.

The song is about how religion and the blind faith leads to the eventual end of those who have it. Randy Blythe is particularly notable vocalist for his wide range of vocals. The vocals make use of a lot of screams, growling. This, the heavy guitars and double-bass drums give the abrasive sharpness to this kind of music. The high tempo, dark visuals fuel the emotions that I mentioned earlier.

It is good to have almost every emotions represented in music. Sometimes such music helps to ease frustration, vent anger and alliviate stress. Sometimes, a few of such tracks and bouts of headbanging is all you need to wind down after a not so appeaciable day. Here’s LoG’s Ruin.

