Help your team get out of meetings

Learn how successful teams are using Rate That Meeting to improve workplace productivity

Danny Roosevelt
Rate That Meeting
2 min readMar 12, 2018


Ever want to know how much specific meetings cost? With Rate That Meeting, now you can.

Meetings can be a drain on team morale and productivity, and they can quickly snowball into dominating your day and week. We’ve likely all had those days where we’re running between meetings all day and we’re only able to find time to truly get work done at night, after normal work hours. Days like this are neither productive nor are they necessary.

We have a simple goal at Rate That Meeting — empower you and your peers to spend less time in unproductive meetings at work.

We’ve built two core products to accomplish this — (1) a platform to facilitate ratings and feedback on internal meetings and (2) a dashboard to surface the impact of meetings on your team’s productivity.

By working closely with some of our early customers, we’ve identified two major themes that significantly improve a team’s ability to use Rate That Meeting effectively.

1. Let your coworkers know you’re using Rate That Meeting

And ask them to participate!

This may sound counterintuitive given you want your meeting feedback to remain anonymous, but the goal of anonymity on Rate That Meeting is not to avoid letting people know you want better meetings — it’s to ensure you’re able to provide honest and constructive feedback.

Letting your team know you want feedback on meetings you organize sends a powerful signal that you value their time. And asking them to participate lets them know you’re serious about increasing productivity for the team and the entire company.

To help make this easy, we have a basic template you can use to let your team know about Rate That Meeting and get them on-board (check it out here). Drop this into an email, Slack message, or meeting description.

2. Bring your team with you

Feedback works best when the whole team participates.

In order to promote group participation, we’ve made it easy to encourage fellow meeting participants to rate the same meetings you did, even if they haven’t signed up for Rate That Meeting yet.

Whether you walk out of a productive meeting with clear next steps or you leave with the feeling like you just wasted an hour of your time, you have a responsibility to let the meeting organizer know what you thought. And you should encourage your peers to do the same.

Getting up and running on Rate That Meeting is fast and easy. Signing up takes less that a minute and you’ll soon be spending a lot less time in unproductive meetings.

Check out to learn more.

If you have questions, comments, or just want to say hi, shoot a note to — we’d love to hear from you.



Danny Roosevelt
Rate That Meeting

Passionate product leader; technology, productivity, and BBQ evangelist. More info @