Amplify your digital reputation with Google and Facebook reviews

Our new feature makes it easy for your customers to leave their positive feedback on your social channels

Rate My Service
ratemyservice release notes
4 min readSep 27, 2023


In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, businesses must harness the power of social reviews on platforms like Google and Facebook to thrive in the digital age. Our latest feature is designed to streamline the process of soliciting positive feedback from customers on your social channels, paving the way for increased online credibility and easier acquisition of potential customers.

The Impact of Social Reviews

Social media has emerged as a game-changer in the realm of digital marketing, offering businesses opportunities for growth and engagement. One of the most significant drivers of success in this digital era is social reviews. These reviews wield immense influence over consumer behaviour, with nearly nine out of ten individuals globally consulting reviews before making a purchase decision. Notably, 49% of these consumers rank positive reviews as one of their top three factors in making a purchasing choice.

For businesses aiming to elevate their online presence and attract more customers, accumulating a substantial number of social reviews has become indispensable. These reviews serve as a critical ranking factor that not only conveys what your business offers but also how it is perceived by the public. They stand as a litmus test of your business’s credibility and reputation.

The Google and Facebook Factor

In the world of digital marketing, Google places considerable importance on businesses with quality and diverse reviews. These reviews offer valuable insights into what your business does and how satisfied customers are with your products or services. In turn, this information enables Google to rank your business more favourably, increasing your chances of being discovered by potential customers.

Likewise, Facebook Reviews are one of the most efficient digital versions of word-of-mouth marketing and have the potential to influence the purchasing decisions of prospective customers visiting your Facebook business page.

Use the Survey Builder to Solicit Social Reviews

To entice your customers to share their thoughts on Facebook or Google, the process begins with a simple connection between your social media accounts via Amplify.

Click on the social media logos to start connecting your social accounts
Connecting to a Facebook business page will start pulling in any reviews into the RateMyService platform for alerts and analysis
Connecting to a Google business profile will start pulling in any Google reviews into the RateMyService platform for alerts and analysis

Once this is done, you can use the survey builder to create a specific survey ending that requests your customers to leave feedback on any of your social accounts. Amplify automatically embeds the social links on your webforms and these links can also be sent via SMS.

Just remember to set your logic criteria correctly so that only your happy customers can see this ending.

Use Amplify to Curate and Share Social Reviews

Customer reviews are the best user-generated content you can leverage for digital marketing.

Amplify empowers you to seamlessly curate and share glowing customer testimonials as posts across various social accounts, including Facebook, Instagram, and Google My Business. This approach not only bolsters your online credibility but also lays the foundation for building trust with potential customers. This will also unconsciously inspire other customers to leave their feedback for your brand.

If you’re not already harnessing the capabilities of Amplify, get in touch with us to unlock the full potential of your online reputation and customer acquisition efforts through social reviews.



Rate My Service
ratemyservice release notes

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