Introducing reports

Reports make it easier to share relevant customer and employee insights with your colleagues and take collaborative action on change initiatives

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ratemyservice release notes
2 min readMar 19, 2024


Creating reports

  1. Navigate to ‘Manage your report’ on the insights navigation menu.
  2. This view will display any reports you’ve previously created and you can edit, duplicate or delete reports.
  3. Click on ‘Create a new report’ and give your report a name to get started.

Building your report

  1. The report builder consists of 3 main components — layouts, text and charts
  2. Layouts allow you to select a pre-defined layout for a report page. You can double click a layout to apply it to the active report page. Depending on the complexity of your page, this may not always be possible. Choosing a layout and then clicking on ‘Add page’ will add a new page with the selected layout.
  3. The text options allow you to add, duplicate and modify text elements on your reports.
  4. The chart options allow you to add, duplicate and modify chart elements on your reports. The charts available will be determined as per your subscription tier.
  5. Once you have built your report, you can apply filters to it. This can be useful if you want to create a time based view of a report e.g. monthly or zoom into a specific area of interest such as a survey lens.

Sharing your report

  1. Click on on the Export button to download your report as a PowerPoint, which can be further edited to ensure alignment to your brand guidelines.

This release represents our ongoing commitment to helping you achieve excellence in experience management. Please reach out to our support team for any assistance or inquiries regarding this update.



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ratemyservice release notes

We help companies to deliver great customer, employee and brand experiences to drive growth.