Predicting experience

Our new feature helps predict where your experience metrics are heading

Rate My Service
ratemyservice release notes
1 min readMar 24, 2022


We’d all love a magic crystal ball that could predict what our future customer experience will be. We can’t quite give you a crystal ball, but your trend analyses now come loaded with predictive curves.

We use polynomial regression to plot a ‘best-fit’ curve through your data points. This is then extrapolated to ‘predict’ where your scores are heading.

We introduced this because with metrics like NPS you can have volatile curves that make it harder to understand the trend. The best fit curve helps you to visualise whether you’re flat, on an upward or a downward trajectory (red flag!) and therefore what actions you need to be taking.

With all statistical formulae, there is a margin of error and this is dependent on the number of data points you have. Higher data volumes reduce the error margins on the predictive curves.

Happy ball gazing!



Rate My Service
ratemyservice release notes

We help companies to deliver great customer, employee and brand experiences to drive growth.