Chat GPT-4: The cheapest way to build a smart contract?

Abdus Salaam Muwwakkil
Rather Labs
Published in
4 min readMar 18, 2023

Looking to build my own token/coin; but want to understand a bit better on how to build smart contracts. I asked Chat GPT-4 and it gave me this answer:

The cheapest way to build a smart contract depends on a few factors such as the platform you choose, the complexity of the contract, and your own technical expertise.

Here are a few general tips that can help keep costs down:

  1. Use a free or low-cost development environment: Platforms like Ethereum offer free development tools, such as the Truffle Suite, that you can use to develop and test your smart contracts.
  2. Choose a simple contract: The more complex your contract, the more time and resources it will take to develop. Keep your contract as simple as possible to minimize costs.
  3. Use existing code: There are many open-source smart contract templates available online that you can use as a starting point for your contract. This can save you a lot of time and effort in development.
  4. Hire a freelance developer: If you don’t have the technical expertise to develop your smart contract yourself, consider hiring a freelance developer. Freelancers can often offer lower rates than full-time developers.
  5. Consider using a smart contract generator: There are online services that allow you to create smart contracts without writing any code. While these services may not be suitable for all use cases, they can be a good option for simple contracts.
  6. Remember, even though cost is important, it’s also important to ensure the quality and security of your smart contract. Don’t cut corners on testing and auditing, as this can lead to costly errors down the line.

Curious if anyone can provide more specifics assuming I can build all of the software reqs., or find someone to do so? What are the other costs associated with a smart contract…

But wait, there’s more.

I got some feedback that this piece was super helpful so here are a few more considerations:

  1. Gas Fees: Smart contracts on platforms like Ethereum require the use of gas, which is a form of cryptocurrency used to execute transactions and operations on the blockchain. The complexity of the contract and the number of operations it performs can impact the gas fees. As the contract gets more complex, the gas fees may increase.
  2. Deployment Costs: Deploying a smart contract on the blockchain incurs costs, especially on networks like Ethereum. The cost is typically calculated based on the size and complexity of the contract. It’s essential to evaluate the network’s transaction fees before deployment.
  3. Security Auditing: Ensuring the security of your smart contract is crucial to avoid vulnerabilities and potential exploits. Hiring a security auditor to review and test the contract for potential vulnerabilities can add to the overall cost.
  4. Maintenance and Upgrades: Smart contracts may require updates and maintenance over time. As blockchain technology evolves, it’s essential to keep the smart contract updated to remain compatible with the latest standards and security measures.
  5. Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Depending on the use case and jurisdiction, there may be legal and regulatory requirements to consider. Seeking legal advice to ensure compliance with relevant regulations can add to the overall cost.
  6. Token Standards: If you are building a token, the choice of token standards (e.g., ERC-20, ERC-721) can impact the complexity and cost of development. Some token standards may require additional features and functionality, which may increase development time and costs.
  7. Integration with Other Systems: If your smart contract needs to interact with other external systems or APIs, additional development and integration costs may apply.
  8. Testing and Quality Assurance: Rigorous testing and quality assurance are essential to ensure the smart contract functions as intended and is free from bugs and vulnerabilities. Allocating resources for comprehensive testing can impact the overall cost.
  9. Scalability Considerations: If your smart contract needs to handle a large number of transactions, scalability considerations may come into play. Designing the contract to be scalable can add complexity and cost to the development process.
  10. Timeframe and Expertise: The timeframe for developing the smart contract and the expertise of the developers involved can also influence the cost. Experienced developers may charge higher rates, but they can also deliver higher-quality code more efficiently.

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Navigating the complexities of blockchain technology requires careful assessment of your specific requirements, consultation with experienced developers, and a comprehensive cost analysis to determine the overall budget for your smart contract development. Prioritizing security, reliability, and quality in the process is essential to avoid potential issues and costly mistakes in the long run.

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Abdus Salaam Muwwakkil
Rather Labs

Abdus helps data leaders and innovation teams deploy problem solving solutions to unlock the talents of their people and establish competitive advantages.