How well does a Dapp do?

Published in
3 min readJan 30, 2019

We know there was just not enough metrics. Why do we have to stick with daily active users and daily transactions of dapps when we know user retention and user activeness can give deeper insights? Unfortunately, we were unable to find such services, until we made our own, RatingDapp.

Active Users

We provide not only daily active users but also user count in a weekly and monthly basis. You can clearly find whether a dapp is growing steadily or its users are losing interest.

Daily New Users

It takes some computing power to get the numbers. But it worths. You’ll get some clue if a dapp goes viral with amazing campaigns or it just cannot attract new users.

Weekly User Activeness

Users are not the same. How frequently a user interacts with a dapp matters. Here we calculate the days within a week that a user uses the dapp, and divide the users to 3 groups: high activity users, who use the dapp 6–7 days a week, medium activity users, 3–5 days a week, and low activity users, 1–2 days a week. Take EOS Knights as an example, its high activity users grow steadily and even exceeds 80% of its daily active users. The team really did a great job of retaining its users.

User Retention Rate

Given a new user today, retention rate tells how likely will he/she come back tomorrow, next week or next month. Take Jan 31st for example, the D1 retention reflects how many new users acquired on Jan 30th continue to use the dapp on Jan 31st, whereas the D30 retention shows if the new users from Jan 1st still use the dapp on Jan 31st. Take a quick glance on RatingDapp, and you’ll find how different a game and a gambling dapp does on their retention rate.

User Retention Cohort

Rather than the above retention rate is calculated on a daily basis, the table here shows the new users by weeks and how likely will they continue to use in the coming weeks. In Dahongbao’s example, there may be a peak of new users in the week of Jan 6th, but only less than 3% of those users remain using the dapp.

Users vs Volume / Users vs Transactions

These two charts seem to be essential in dapp listing websites. And we are definitely not going to skip them.

While introducing our metrics and charts, I tried not to give too much insight but just a few examples. For now, we’d like to leave the enjoyment of exploring to you. Happy exploring the charts and numbers!


RatingDapp team

