RatingDapp Weekly Report (Apr. 7)

Published in
4 min readApr 8, 2019


The transaction volume of ETH, EOS, and TRON Dapps went down this week. Among the three of them, TRON Dapps suffered the most due to the recession of gambling and marketplace Dapps. Only 83 million US dollars were circulated among TRON Dapps. A dramatic drop of 38% was recorded even though high-risk TRON Dapps such as 333ROI contributed a vast amount of transaction volume. The total amount of the transaction volume of EOS Dapps went down 15% to 119 million US dollar, also suffering from the less transaction of gambling Dapps. ETH Dapps survived, having only 5% decrement.

Dapp Weekly Transaction Volume (USD)

Three major Dapp ecosystems were gradually expanding their user bases, having 10~14% week-over-week growth. The weekly active users of EOS Dapps are close to 200 thousand, topped among the three and was 50% higher than the amount of last month. EOS and TRON Dapps acquired more than 50 thousand new users this week. ETH Dapps had 18 thousand new users, making a 16% WoW growth, leading at the growing momentum.

Dapp Weekly Active Users
Dapp Weekly New Users

TRON Dapps

The transaction volume of TRON Dapps suffered a significant drop this week. While the gambling Dapps were not as attractive to players, fewer mined tokens were traded in marketplace Dapps and brought a 38% drop to the overall transaction volume.

According to the statistics, gambling and marketplace TRON Dapps received 50% and 40% decrement on transaction volume, respectively. The high-risk ROI Dapps kept growing. 333ROI acquired 6,005 new users within four days since its debut on 3/31. The transaction volume skyrocketed during the period until 63 million TRX was traded on 4/3. Then the crowds were gone. Only 2 TRX were transferred on 4/5. Furthermore, the website seems dead as of now. May we remind you to be extra cautious on this kind of Dapps as they may cause the loss of money.

TRON Dapp Ranking by Weekly Active Users

EOS Dapps

HashBaby seems to inspire other content-sharing services to be built upon EOS. Lore Free, the decentralized knowledge sharing platform launched this week and soon acquired more than 20 thousand daily users. The platform currently offers more than 200 Chinese e-books, allowing readers to download for free. It also has its token economy to encourage usage.

However, the whitepaper was vague in terms of respecting copyright while keeping the service for free to everyone. With the rapid development of Dapps, the confrontation of regulation and technology exploration seems not only occur on cryptocurrencies but also the decentralized services on the blockchains.

EOS Dapp Ranking by Weekly Active Users

ETH Dapps

CDP Portal and IDEX remained popular this week. CDP Portal’s series of announcements seemed to bring users in. On 4/2, the site announced its cooperation with VANTA Network and HYCON project. Another partnership with Nitrogen Launchpad was then published on 4/3. CDP Portal acquired 400 new users daily during these days and recorded 24 thousand ETH in transaction volume.

On the other hand, IDEX reached its peak of daily active users on 4/3, when 7,003 ETH was traded by 1,424 users. It seemed highly related to the announcement of TrustToken listing. Uniswap, another marketplace Dapp with potential, received a 433% growth on transaction volume on 4/3, amounting to 6,343 ETH.

ETH Dapp Ranking by Weekly Active Users

About RatingDapp

RatingDapp is a Dapp performance tracking website providing advanced Dapp analytics. We parse the on-chain transactions directly from nodes and transforms them into more valuable and insightful statistics and charts. RatingDapp aims to be like Google Analytics and App Annie in the Dapp world and help Dapp community to examine Dapps with clear and robust statistical analysis. Visit https://ratingdapp.net for more.

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