RatingDapp Weekly Report (Mar. 10)

Published in
3 min readMar 11, 2019



EOS Dapps surpassed TRON in new user acquisitions, with a total of 39,097 new addresses in the past week. The number of new users of EOS and ETH has increased by more than 40% since last week. TRON is in a recession, falling by nearly 20%, but still surpassing ETH. User acquisition also directly affects the number of weekly active users. TRON has a small loss of about 5% weekly active users, EOS and ETH continue to grow, and EOS weekly active users reach 132,266. In terms of transaction volume, TRON achieved a sharp growth of more than 200%, reaching a transaction scale of nearly 8 billion TRX, which is equivalent to about 180 million US dollars, even surpassing the sum of EOS and ETH transaction volume.

Dapp Weekly New Users
Dapp Weekly Active Users
Dapp Weekly Transaction Volume (USD)

TRON Dapps

TRON’s weekly top 10 Dapps are all games and casinos. TRONbet’s weekly trading volume is significantly ahead of other Dapps and even accounts for 87% of TRON’s overall trading volume. On average, each active user contributes more than 860,000 TRX to TRONbet.

TRON Dapp Ranking by Weekly Active Users

EOS Dapps

There are several new faces in the EOS ranking this week, namely BetHash, Trust Dice, VSbet, and EOSABC, all in the casino category. BetHash has contributed 1.93 million EOS regarding transaction volume. The new dividend system seems to be successful for BetHash that it didn’t only attract capital but also acquired nearly 7,000 new users. Overall, the number of active users of these top 10 Dapps has generally increased, causing PokerKing, one of the top-traded Dapps last week, been pushed out of the list.

EOS Dapp Ranking by Weekly Active Users

ETH Dapps

Theta Network moved forward from 3rd place to the top, having the most weekly active users and second highest new users. Its mainnet launch countdown remains hot at user attraction. Marketplaces like IDEX, CDP Portal, ForkDelta and Kyber remain to be the ones with highest transaction volume, whereas CryptoKitties, My Crypto Heroes, and 0xUniverse being the evergreen Ethereum games.

ETH Dapp Ranking by Weekly Active Users

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