RatingDapp Weekly Report (May. 5)

Published in
3 min readMay 6, 2019

As of May 5th, RatingDapp’s record number of ETH, EOS, TRON Dapps is up to 2,247. The three major Dapp ecosystems have reached a trading volume of $308 million, and weekly active users have attained 450 thousand addresses.

This week, the transaction volume of EOS and TRON Dapps grew slightly; ETH, however, with a fall of 27%, experienced less rapid growth than in the past few weeks. Data indicate that casino and marketplace Dapps, which contribute the majority of circulation on ETH, dropped 47% and 12% respectively, causing the total trading volume to drop to $41.8 million.

Among TRON’s 10 top-traded Dapps, growth rate of TronWoW, PLAYFUN, and TronEgypt are all above 40% and even multiplied to 767%. All in all, TRON Dapps’ transaction volume grew slightly of 5%, reaching $93.3 million.

As for EOS, casino Dapps, which used to give high transaction volume, performed in a mediocre manner. Marketplace Dapps, on the other hand, had better growth momentum. The overall transaction volume went up 8% and reached $1.7 billion.

Dapp Weekly Transaction Volume (USD)

On the weekly active users’ aspect, ETH and TRON remained flat. EOS, nonetheless, fell by 9%, amounted to 250 thousand active users. It seems to be EOS Global, the Dapp that acquired massive users last week, failed to attract more users and cause the drop on EOS. With only 1.7% growth, ETH Dapps’ active users remained flat; in addition to the 11% decrease in marketplace Dapps, other categories grew slightly, residing 40 thousand active users in general. TRON Dapps, on the other hand, increased 1% reaching 160 thousand active users.

Dapp Weekly Active Users

As for new user acquisition, EOS and TRON Dapps dropped respectively by 26% and 24%. EOS Global was less attractive, resulted in only 88,279 new users interacted with EOS Dapps, which is 30 thousand fewer than last week. TRON Dapps gained 34,442 new users, which is 10 thousand less than last week. ETH’s weekly new users increased by 1%, attaining 18,698 new addresses.

Dapp Weekly New Users

TRON Dapps

TRON Dapp Ranking by Weekly Transaction Volume (USD)

EOS Dapps

EOS Dapp Ranking by Weekly Transaction Volume (USD)

ETH Dapps

ETH Dapp Ranking by Weekly Transaction Volume (USD)

About RatingDapp

RatingDapp is a Dapp performance tracking website providing advanced Dapp analytics. We parse the on-chain transactions directly from nodes and transforms them into more valuable and insightful statistics and charts. RatingDapp aims to be like Google Analytics and App Annie in the Dapp world and help Dapp community to examine Dapps with clear and robust statistical analysis. Visit https://ratingdapp.net for more.

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