An Unconventional Political Guide To The Absurd Politics Of Now

Jonas Hughes
Rational Anarchy
Published in
5 min readFeb 7, 2017
WTF Have I Done? Why Did They Listen To Me?

Monty Python and The Flying Circus was a famous sketch comedy show. Monty Python wry sense of wit shown through spot on observations of British society. By flipping the normal upside down, Monty Python made absurdist comedy relevant. Absurd. Donald Trump’s first weeks have been not only absurd but surreal. The Oval Office is like a sketch comedy show unfolding live in front of our eyes for the world to see. This entire spectacle is more absurd when you consider there is no one to blame but ourselves. We gave the most powerful office in our country to a person with not one iota of experience. We gave the keys to a rookie!

Those sitting across the world stage have spent their lives learning politics. Giving countless years of service to becoming a leader. They too believe they will help their country prosper. We have yet to recognize the need for people that like being public servants. Why we still wonder what our forefathers would do in our situation is beyond me. What do I care how his 18th century world view could impact my 21st century world view? The best parts are already on record. We are charting new territory, making history.

Vilifying people for dedicating themselves to serve their citizens is mind boggling. The average public servant does not live the glamorous life. We pay all other professionals for their skill. I suppose then, we get what we deserve.

The cost of public office is more intense. When your personal life always up for open discussion how can you live? Each move is a strategy to serve some absurd purpose. It is hard to tell is from the outside looking in.

We destroy the only people willing to volunteer. It is a difficult job, taking abuse from complete strangers. Putting your life up for public dissection by hypocrites. The criteria set forth by groups their own leadership could not meet. There is no such thing as a perfect person.

If you say, Jesus Christ, I want you to punch yourself in the mouth. Even if you thought it. If you thought of an actor, smack yourself in the face for thinking it. If you know someone that may be a good public servant, encourage them to run. That’s how we win.

Seriously, right now. Punch yourself.

There are bad apples in every bunch. Everyday somewhere a person is bending the rules of their profession to achieve a goal. That goal may be to help others but systems often hinder progress in the rush for efficiency. A misguided goal comes from greed or ignorance most times.

There are no innocents. Everyone is not guilty. This is still America. For the time being, until “Show Me Your Papers” comes from the mouths of the little ones. I hope you understand the level of absurd the image provokes. It makes me question if satire is to subtle for today’s audiences?

Teachers. Doctors. Lawyers. Priest. Custodians. Carpenters. Contractors. Each profession has potential for wrong doing. Except we trust those who put in the time to hone their skills. Those people who dedicate themselves beyond good. It takes work to be more than good which is why so few people reach greatness.

How many rookies win the Super Bowl? None. It takes practice. practice. practice. That is the fastest way to Carnegie Hall. It seems too many believe the instant gratification bullshit.

Other lies? Multitasking is a lie. Opiates as pain management. Anyone can lead a country with no previous experience. Pharmaceutic commercials are helpful. A wall is to keep people out. Do you not yet see what is absurd?

It’s not your fault, not completely, our politicians let us down. The problem is politicians are your neighbors, brothers, wives, bosses, sons, and so on. The ones with the most potential hear all the bile and hate spewing from the mouths of strangers. They think, “To hell with being a politician”

Donald Trump would never hire a C.E.O. with no experience to run his company. but because once again the race card lets a President slide into office. His greatest ability will always be self promotion. Our leadership should do more than worry about being in office or popularity.

The unspoken ramifications of his recent actions will have repercussions. This is not a reality t.v. show with a finale to shake things up. Our country is on the line. Not to be an alarmist, but we gave the big red button to the man who tweets his daily briefings. There are no words.

I worry. I am alone in feeling this way? It is not a partisan issue. I am past partisan politics. This is freaking me out. I will run for office again if I have to. People silence is not the way to correct a mistake.

We can not let a decision made in anger determine our future. Everyone knows not to make a decision in anger. Too late. We did it, but we can not take it back. What we can do is urge the people in office to make sure nothing drastic occurs.

No word about the lack of leadership from the donkeys or elephants. No one is saying anything.

I feel like I am stuck inside of a Shel Silverstein poem,

“Hi My name is Harry Allen McNay and I want to serve in the House some day”

Ohh, better yet, Dr. Seuss is looking down with glee, it may go something like:

“Oh if I only I could write with glee about all of the absurdity in the house on the hill. What sights I could share, a fox lunching with a hare, a buffalo with no hair! Who would dare to want to work there, but a man with fake hair”

Why is there not more of them at every level speaking out? These little things that do not seem like much now, always turn out to be the dingle-berry. The President is trying to make good on his campaign promises. He does not understand politics. That does not mean break promises, it means you do not use an Executive Order as a memo.

Government is not politics.

His move to detain Muslim’s was bush league. It made America appear weak. The most devastating terrorist attacks in the last decade were all done by Americans. I don’t get how white people always believe the same lie. No one is out to get you. Black people, no is out to get you.

American people, there may be a few people out to get you. They do not care about the cliques we create, we’re all American in the world’s eyes.

Fox News and CNN are not news networks. I do not have all the answers. I know news when I see it. It has been a long time.

Why does no one think it is absurd that traditional journalism no longer exist in the U.S. mainstream? I don’t give a damn if it is liberal or conservative. The word I like to see in association with journalism, objectivity. At least the pretense of being objective would be welcome. If it does not scare you, misinform, or blow smoke in your face, be careful, you may learn something.

By Jonas Hughes



Jonas Hughes
Rational Anarchy

To be the ripple which becomes a wave. Be the change.