Welcome To The Film Revolution

Jonas Hughes
Rational Anarchy
Published in
5 min readJan 16, 2017

How The Changing Landscape Of Film Is Changing the World

courtesy of brooklyn film camera

The evolution of film through the liberation of tools to allow people to use films as artistic, social, essays, and entertainment are a few of merits. The power to create new and exciting projects is within reach of those daring enough to simply try. The initial rush of people uploading content with little to no value is no surprise. Film is entering a new era unleashed by a digital canvas giving access to the world. Passionate people using film to break barriers, expose hypocrisy, or simply a funny cartoon.

Notice The Projector At Front: Visual LIteracy

Welcome To The Age Of Visual Literacy

How can people be visually literate when majority of the world is still illiterate?


We are talking about pictures and images as the basis for conveying ideas in a universal language. If pictures speak a thousand words, imagine the impact of film. Visual literacy is important, ask Martin Scorsese.

Literacy became an important issue in the 19th century as capitalism and public education made reading an essential part of the society. Even in the dawn of the 20th century literacy became a way for America to assert itself upon the world by breaking free from old country traditions by allowing the poor to have an education. The reasoning is another article, but for now it serves to illustrate another point.

Design & Film: Children Of Visual Literacy

I believe one of the biggest contributions to the world from America is the business of Visual Literacy. Of course I mean movies, because design literacy was already in vogue in Europe before film became a valid way to express ideas.

I will not spout the jargon of spatial placement, composition, or discuss hierarchy in composition to sound like a pompous ass. I want to put into context the importance of visual literacy. It is now apart of our everyday lives, and it is time people were learning to understand.

Its not about credit, its about learning how to expand the use of film in a way to fully explore the power it holds.

A Film Revolution

There is a revolution brewing in the world of film. I have nothing against Hollywood, matter of fact I love a lot of their movies. It may always be considered the main game but the fact is there are different leagues in place. Broadcast television was the landing, cable TV was the invasion, satellite was the second assault, and the internet is the free zone. It maintains a freedom for now that creatives must rush to enjoy.

They can use videos, films, any form of visual literacy to reach people. Video essays all over the web are excellent resources for those not going to film school or simply wish to learn more about the process of filmmaking. It may not even be that serious, maybe you just want to know how they did the stunts or special effects in a particular movies.

Video essays are just one of the many ways people are using to communicate ideas in a new way to reach more people. Trust me, it is far easier to get people to watch a video online by sharing a link than it is to direct them to a written piece on the very same subject. Times change, so must the way we convey our thoughts, new ways to communicate complicated issues in simple ways in order to have wider impact. What better tool than film?

Film Is Powerful

It is my firm belief that film can convey ideas to anyone despite language barriers. The new revolution takes it to another level, to produce work to bring people together.

Film is powerful.

We want the 4.5 billion people a month searching for fresh entertainment to find new films never seen. This is not about schlock or chasing after the dollar, its about giving the people who put their heart and soul into creating something to share only to be rejected by system stuck in a tangle of standards and practices, box office receipts, and repeating the same story time and time again. The revolution is not only about the makers, its about those wanting to see great stories.

The revolution has been digitized ladies and gentlemen. The echoes of primal screams unleashing decades of pent up anger over watching the same tropes time and time again.

I am joining the revolution with all that I can do. I will make films. I will write films for others to make. I will share their films. I want the world to know we can all tell our stories. Go now, grab a camera, pick up a phone.

Want to see my first film. I made it with a Nikon Coolpix 4 to shoot and a roll of duct tape.

It is not a masterpiece, it is one person committed to learning a craft and honing my skills. I had to remove my original score from the film which ruins the entire feel I envisioned, but it was a learning experience.

After all, I can only get better. I did it on a budget that Roger Corman would be proud. All you need is the tools, story, and the passion to take action. Many of my friends think I am crazy, my family nods blankly, but I know this going to work. I know my films will be seen by millions, in due time, first things first. Except there is nothing wrong with having goals.


I fully intend to be one of the greatest filmmakers of my generation and a key figure in leading the latest wave of passionate pioneers fighting to inject heart and soul back into stories on film.

We will still earn a living because our secret weapon is not only making quality films but I also have a damn good business model. Its not about being the next anything. Thats boring.

We just want to be ourselves. I can’t imagine filling any shoes but my own.

By Jonas Hughes Founder of thaBoulevard Online Network

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Jonas Hughes
Rational Anarchy

To be the ripple which becomes a wave. Be the change.