Is your Instagram Account Losing Followers? Here are the Reasons why?

Raul Smith
Raul Smith
Published in
3 min readJan 20, 2022

We all know Instagram followers are important for brands, and they try every possible step to increase Instagram followers organically. Creative content, influencer collaboration, and the right posting schedule are ways to increase Instagram followers. But, despite these methods, sometimes brands start to lose followers. And, we are not talking about one or two followers but a noticeable sum of followers.

You get up, check your Instagram account, and see a major drop in the followers count? What’s going on? Has Instagram done something to your account, due to which you start losing followers, or your spam activities has created mistrust amongst your target audience? This blog will talk about the key reasons why brands might lose Instagram followers.

Why Do People Follow Brands in The First Place?

What makes people follow your brand? What they looking for or expect from the brand’s social media presence? People follow brands because they are interested in their products and service and others are interested in promotions. Other reasons for following brands are entertainment, an incentive to follow, or a general interest in the industry.

Through Instagram followers, brands boost their brand awareness and create personalized relations with the customers. And that’s why they should take every possible step to stop losing Instagram followers.

4 Reasons Why Brands Lose Instagram Followers

Brands are not sharing well

Wrong posting habits can decrease your follower count. If you are sharing too often or not sharing at all, you will lose followers in both cases. Also, the type of content you are sharing will say a lot about your followers. If your content doesn’t provide value to customers or your posts are more like sales pitches, you will lose customers.

Using Irrelevant content

If you want to increase Instagram followers, use relevant content. If the audience finds your content is no longer relevant to them, they will unfollow. Also, every single post must not look like an ad copy. Mix posts by sharing user-generated content, share your brand story, or customer testimonials.

Instagram Deletes Fake Followers

Many accounts come under wrath when Instagram cracks down on fake accounts and followers. When the face accounts get deleted, you lose followers. To prevent the situation, make sure you have real followers and not ghost followers. Follow organic strategies to build your Instagram and ensure you have an engaged set of followers.

