Hello World, says Rauzr Code School

Those who understood the title will know what this post is about. And those who didn’t, please continue reading it because you will need this important skill in the very near future.

The Rauzarian
Published in
3 min readMar 14, 2018


Let’s start with the introductions — We are a coding bootcamp, primarily focused on training students in product development. Our prospective students include fresh graduates, professionals looking to transition into a technical career, entrepreneurs and career boosters. In other words, if you are reading this, we sure have something for you.

Coding bootcamp is already a famous concept in other parts of the world and it has started gaining traction in India as well. So you may ask the most obvious question —

How are we different from others?

For starters, we don’t wish to be a training institute who just teaches you to write “Hello World” programs in ten different languages. No, that’s not who we are or what we aspire to be. We want to teach you how to build real world products. Because you see, building a product is a totally different ball game compared to learning to code in a language. It involves front-end, back-end, DevOps, testing, marketing your product and much more. Yes! That sounds more like what we want to teach you.

You all must have heard about this survey by Aspiring Minds which throws few numbers to describe the technical skills scenario in India —

4.77% can write correct logic, 60% can not write code that compiles, only 1.4% can write efficient code.

Well, all we are trying to do is to improve those numbers, one very small step at a time.

We believe that skill is the new best currency in the world. Cryptocurrency fans — please understand we are not trying to wage a war with you guys :). Whatever industry you end up in, three important skills — soft skills, technical skills and marketing skills will definitely help you in the long run.

Learn. Code. Collab. Deliver.

That’s our motto at Rauzr Code School. Throughout the course of the bootcamp, you will breathe code. You will gain the ability to build products. You will understand how a typical day in a software job feels like. You will acquire soft skills to work in teams. You will do pair programming with your buddy. You will showcase your work, learn to market and sell your product. Sounds exciting, isn’t it?

We will provide you career counselling to help you find your right fit in the software industry. Unlike other bootcamps, we are not going to guarantee you any x number of interviews after the bootcamp is over. We strongly believe that with the skills you are going develop during the bootcamp, you will surely succeed in securing a job in the software industry.

Our team boasts of professionals having ~40 years of experience working in fortune 100 companies/startups, building products and mentoring/training ivy league students.

So, do you wanna be a Rauzarian? Do visit Rauzr Code School and contact us if you are interested.

Please follow this blog space to find out about all the interesting stuff we are doing.

