Dynamic Web — Team Work Evaluation

Tom Sharman
2 min readNov 30, 2015


For the Dynamic Web Unit, I worked with Johan Wilhelmsen and Ade Adegoke. I thoroughly enjoyed working with both of these and felt that our team worked well together, was organised and had great ideas for what we could make not only for this project, but how to improve it after and expand this into a live website.

Are Team used Facebook Messenger to create a Dynamic Web Unit chat that had all three of us in. It was a great way to easily get hold of each other as we are always online and can access on our Mobile Phones and Laptops. I would however, have liked to use Slack to communicate if I were to do this unit again. I feel that Slacks’ features are very rich. I would like to explore the capabilities of Slack as it is used in Industry.

Our Team didn’t officially appoint a Team Leader role for this project as it was a small team of three, however, I feel that naturally I led and directed the team to help steer us into the right direction and keep on track with everything without getting carried away.

There were also no refined roles within the team. As I said, it was a small group so we could easily be aware of exactly what the others were up too, or had a rough idea. With no defined roles, we did however know each other’s abilities and skills for this project. For example, personally I feel that Ade and Johan are stronger at Programming/Coding than myself, but I have a great eye for Design and am good at managing people to assign tasks to get things finished. This all helped to create a strong team, and product.

We collaborated using Github. It allowed us to backup the code on their servers, but also to share code with one another and work on the same thing. This boosted productivity and is used within Industry.

To share and decide on ideas we collaborated to create Mind maps to brainstorm what we wanted the site to look like, what our aims were and how it related to filter bubbles. From this, we then collaborated on Wireframes to start to bring the product to live.
We had very few problems with this project as our team worked very well together. One issue we had was not being able to work out a solution to the code for the Instagram bit. We resolved this by looking online and Googling the problem. We used Stack Overflow’s posts to help us to find a solution, that someone has previously had a similar experience with.



Tom Sharman

Do stuff in YouTube, Social Media & Virtual Reality | Currently @VirtualUmbrella + @KatiePrice YT | Influencer Council @theBCMA