WallSpace Formative Presentation Feedback

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Tom Sharman
3 min readOct 25, 2015


Myself, Rana, Alex and Brogan presented our concept of WallSpace to a panel to get feedback before our Summative Presentation Pitch. This allowed us to receive some feedback and criticism for some improvements to the product to meet the demands of the target audience.

Overall, the presentation went really well and we justified the reasons behind what we said. We received lots of feedback after the presentation from both the Panel and the peers watching. We have taken on board all of the feedback and spoken as a team to improve the project.

Feedback Discussion

From the Presentation, we then spoke on Facebook to list the main points of feedback which we felt were crucial to change to better our project. These are listed below:

1 The first bit of feedback we received was to have a section on the site containing a mission statement about who we are and what we set out to do. Through discussion with the team, we have decided to implement this and take the feedback on board. We felt that it was important to contain some copy on our opinions on Graffiti and the freedom of Panorama.

One thing that we got a lot of criticism around is the idea of ripping the work from the Graffiti artists and focusing on the Photographers. Since the presentation, we have decided that we will now focus our attention on providing ways of Graffiti artists to directly work with WallSpace and benefit from us including revenue cuts when products are sold. We plan to make this a future plan, and not to be implemented until we have gained more exposure.

2Another piece of feedback we received was that the logo should be smaller on the Navigation Bar. Personally, we didn’t agree with this and felt that because there isn’t too much of the logo on the site, that this is important to establish the brand to visitors of the site.

3 One of the people on the panelists felt that needed to be changed was the tags on the site. We previously left this to the photographers to do. We felt that this is easier to balance out the work-load between the Web Team and Photographers. This meant that the tags were often broad and limited. A suggestion would be to add more tags and focus on specifics. One panelist said that we should avoid tagging colours, I disagree with this as often people want to search by colour, especially our target audience.

One of the Photographers, Ryan, has created a word pool guide for tagging images. This gives examples of tags that they could use. It breaks it down into categories, therefore allowing more specific tagging. This means that users will then have better and more accurate search results.

4 We Received feedback on the thumbnail images of the 9 Photographers on the homepage. One panelist, said that the images were too corporate for the feel of the website. As we are trying to show creativity, but then it is blocked by the corporate, still images. I agree completely and so do the team, we are going to retake the images and make them more fun and interesting to meet the needs of the site.

5 Some Feedback we received was that we needed to review the pricing. I have asked the photographers on multiple occasions to do this as they would have more of an idea of the pricing than myself or the rest of the web team. However, as this was not done in time for the formative presentation, I based it as £14.99 as default and then a few images on sale at £12.99. We are now going to review the pricing and I am going to ensure that the Photographers can look into this further, with assistance from the Web Team.



Tom Sharman

Do stuff in YouTube, Social Media & Virtual Reality | Currently @VirtualUmbrella + @KatiePrice YT | Influencer Council @theBCMA