A Story for You ~ part 1

A Story for You is a gentle storytelling series following the animistic life of a Bean Feasa and her experiences of walking through realms both mythic and mundane.


A nest of sticks on the forest floor holding a large stone and two bones with dried flowers sprinkled over them
photo by Juliette Jarvis

Upon waking, before she opened her eyes, the sound of soft rain filled her awareness.

Ting, ting, ting on the tin roof. Pinging off of overturned cooking pots outside her window. Patting gently into the fir needle covered moss.

She could smell it too, that beautiful fresh-but-dusty smell that only new rain brings.

This was a moment to savour. She kept her eyes closed and let herself become the land and trees and plants feeling all of these cool raindrops prickle tickle landing over her entire body — just as the world outside her window must feel.

She made a slow and deliberate return to her body, with an awareness of being inside her cottage bedroom, tucked sweetly among feather down quilts and soft pillows with hand embroidered symbolic accents. With bare feet on smooth hardwood floors, she padded through the cottage pulling a long woollen shawl around her shoulders on the way to the front door. There, at the threshold, she stood. Hands on either side of the doorframe and whispering incantations in the mother tongue of the old world. Her eyes had been closed while she did so, but now she peered through a circle made by her right hand fingers.

For it was Imbolc, and the sights she saw during her Frith would be omens to interpret as the morning settled into day.

Two Cedar trees standing close together. A small wildish beach dog who sometimes adopts her for the night. And a pile of stones to be set into a growing labyrinth.

A simple, ordinary view if looking through ordinary eyes, but as a Seer it portrayed valuable and wise guidance.

Tucked up in her cottage on the west coast of Canada, Juliette Jarvis lives as a Sacred Living Mentor, Best Selling Author, and Devotional Artist. She draws on 15+ years of hosting community ceremonies and immersion programs to write spiritually supportive works, and create hand woven ritual wear & ceremonial ceramics.

Visit www.selkiesanctuary.com to find more of her works and buy her a coffee at https://ko-fi.com/juliettejarvis



Juliette Jarvis ~ Sacred Living Mentor & Author
Raven Tongue

Sacred Living Mentor, Best Selling Author, and Devotional Artist drawing on 15+ years of hosting community ceremonies and immersion programs selkiesanctuary.com