Teach Me

acrylic painting of two bare branched tree dryads by Juliette Jarvis
painting by Juliette Jarvis

Teach me
To root down deeply
how to let me tendrils entwine
with that which is solid and nourishing

To let fall away
what has outgrown time with me
those beautiful distraction and ill fitting patterns

To be strong
in my sovereignty when storms rip through
and shakes me with doubt

To be supple
organic, responsive
in right relation and interdependance

To be bare
and raw and real and wide open
To stand as witness
To be witnessed
Touching with all of me
the elements, the seasons, the spirits, my beloved
and know my full Self entirely

Tucked up in her cottage on the west coast of Canada, Juliette Jarvis lives as a Sacred Living Mentor, Best Selling Author, and Devotional Artist. She draws on 15+ years of hosting community ceremonies and immersion programs to write spiritually supportive works, and create hand woven ritual wear & ceremonial ceramics.

Visit www.selkiesanctuary.com to find more of her works and buy her a coffee at https://ko-fi.com/juliettejarvis



Juliette Jarvis ~ Sacred Living Mentor & Author
Raven Tongue

Sacred Living Mentor, Best Selling Author, and Devotional Artist drawing on 15+ years of hosting community ceremonies and immersion programs selkiesanctuary.com