All About Gesture Triggered Videos

Published in
3 min readJun 8, 2018

How many times have you been in the car and wished you had captured some incident on camera? Maybe it was something totally out of the ordinary you couldn’t believe or even a more serious occurrence like a crash in front of you. Of course, we all know it’s not safe to pull out our phone (as tempting as it can be) and start recording, so we miss out on things like filming a karaoke session with friends. At least that was the case, until recently. Now that dashcams have come into popular use for both security purposes and pure enjoyment it’s easy to capture those memorable driving moments.

Although, it would be wrong not to mention that this system still has its flaws. Anyone who owns a dashcam knows the pain of filtering through hours of footage to find those few minutes you’d love to share with the world. Once you’ve finally found it you then likely have to crop, export, upload, and maybe even share. Don’t get me wrong, even the ability to do this shows how quick the advancement of technology really is — even a few years ago this wouldn’t have been so easy. There continually seems to be a better way to do things and in this case, that way is through Raven Connected.

What is a gesture triggered video?

Though Raven continuously records raw footage, similar to other dashcams, there are two other video types it produces: shorts and time-lapses. Shorts, otherwise known as Gesture Triggered Videos are one of the many features that Raven contains to wrap it up into the all in one connected car device that it is.

Don’t take your eyes off the road — even for a single second. See something on the road or in your car that you don’t want to forget, simply raise your hand in front of Raven’s savvy dashboard and the job is complete recording for a total of 50 seconds (20 prior to your hand motion and 30 after). If the event you’re capturing is longer, simply repeat the gesture again and Raven will continue recording. Gesture triggered videos are completely free on the device so take as many or continue to gesture as much as you’d like. Raven even tags the event on your trip card so you can see exactly where you were when the short was taken. See the whole process in action by checking out this 30-second video.

Raven Trip Cards automatically tag events

How does it work?

Raven uses an infrared Time of Flight sensor to detect when you place your hand in front of the device. The sensor sends out light pulses and measures the time it takes for the light to reflect back into the sensor. Using these light pulses it calculates the distance from the sensor to your hand and then triggers the camera to record the short. The recording then automatically gets transferred to the Raven app ready for download to your phone. For the time being, this feature supports the motion of your hand moving closer to the device as a gesture but we have plans to expand this functionality in the future so stay tuned!

Raven’s Media Manager stores your footage

Check out these Gesture Triggered Videos Raven took!




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