A Revenue Generating Business is Rare in the Blockchain World

That’s why the brightest minds in AI and blockchain came to support Raven Protocol in our seed round during a deep bear market.

Raven Protocol
3 min readNov 1, 2018


Left photo: Raven Protocol co-founder, Rahul Vishwakarma, was invited (all expenses paid) to the International Blockchain Congress in Hyderabad, India to meet with industry leaders on where he sees AI + Blockchain is heading. Right photo: Raven Protocol co-founder, Sherman Lee, speaking at the Digital Entrepreneur Leadership Forum in Hong Kong on embracing the new era of Artificial Intelligence. China knows that decentralized networks will win the global race for AI dominance.

Over 90 Founders and Ecosystem Builders Participated

Every single person who contributed is a true believer of creating a network of compute nodes that utilize idle compute power for the purposes of AI training where speed is the key. These are people who roll up their sleeves in the industry and see a clear path to user adoption when most believe Amazon, Google, or existing frameworks get the job done. Contrarian thinking is how massive opportunities are captured. We are honored to have on-board futurists who are aligned with our vision.

While existing deep learning distribution methods and frameworks have come a long way, it still suffers from slow training speeds and expensive servers. Data and model parallelism have been used to optimize this, but it creates inherent latency in the network and is not scalable.

Why Raven Protocol Will Generate Revenue From Day 1

Training a neural network to do image recognition on a data set of 1M images takes about 2 weeks and can cost $1,000 to $3,000. That’s just one training run. Models need to be updated constantly. Co-founders Rahul and Sherman felt that pain on a daily basis.

Raven has developed a completely new approach to distribution that speeds up that training run of 1M images and brings it down to a few hours. We solve latency by chunking the data into really small pieces (bytes), maintaining its identity, and then distributing it across the host of devices with a call to action: gradient calculations.

Why Anyone Will Be Able to Contribute Their Compute Resources

Other solutions require high-end compute power. Our approach has no dependency on the architecture of each compute node in the network. Thus, we can utilize idle computer power on normal desktops, laptops, and mobile devices allowing anyone in the world to contribute to the Raven network. This will bring costs down to a fraction of what you need to pay for traditional cloud services. Most importantly, this means Raven will create the first truly distributed and scalable solution to AI training by speeding up the training process.

How to Support and Participate in the Mission of Raven Protocol

Even in this deep bear market, there are endless people reaching out about a private pre-sale. It’s an honor to have true believers wanting to join us on the journey. It’s becoming clearer and clearer that the opportunity is massive. We want the best of the best to get involved.

If you totally understand the problem we’re attacking and how fundamental this is to AI infrastructure, let us know here: https://goo.gl/forms/gzcc7lAVGSvgwJ1x1

And join us on the Raven Protocol Telegram to speak with the team:



Raven Protocol

www.RavenProtocol.com is a decentralized and distributed deep-learning training protocol. Providing cost-efficient and faster training of deep neural networks.