Q2 2019 Tech and Community Update

Raven Protocol
Published in
5 min readJul 31, 2019


  • Stayed heads down developing the framework. Progress is on track.
  • VCs and funds did deep DD on the tech/project/team and invested in our strategic and private sale.
  • Raven invented the IDO and accidentally started a movement:
  • Community building milestone was a huge achievement and The Raven Knights were born.

Tech Update

The favorite thing we love about the Raven Protocol community is the amount of hard deep technical questions we get. Indeed we are solving a hard technical problem and building a framework from the ground up has its challenges. That’s why the supporters of Raven tend to be people who understand how big of a leap in innovation this could be at scale.

True believers and supporters are patient. Building the foundational layer takes time. It’s not something we can deliver in a few weeks and our roadmap clearly states that. Step-by-step we march forward and are progressing as planned. We have always shared that we are early stage and we are hitting all the milestones on the roadmap.

This technical review of Raven Protocol by Crypto Calibur dives into the latest advancements we’ve shared with them.

The majority of the tasks outlined prior to the beta launches in 2020 appear to be entirely feasible and shouldn’t hold up the project in any significant way. They include building a public repository and spreading development to developers based around the world, and implementing basic calculus and statistical functions that will allow their platform to support more advanced and complex calculations. In addition, the team aim to implement their RNN Unit and Convolution Layer in Q4 2019 in order to support LSTMs, GRUs, and other advanced modelling such as video classification as well as images and text.

The main idea being conveyed is that the team are looking to privately develop and test their protocol before open sourcing parts of it to their developer community. In addition, private testing of the blockchain framework will take place with a small number of companies prior to the public beta launch in Q2 of 2020.

Grand Nagus has also done an overview and technology breakdown that is worth a read: https://medium.com/@GreedyFerengi/raven-protocol-989e57f2cd46

Additionally, we are working on a few initiatives to expand the utility of RAVEN and also show you how things work from the user facing side. It’s not something we can announce yet, but come to our Telegram and be the first to get the update :)

Community Update

As stated in our roadmap, the major milestone for us to hit in Q2 was to build a strong community. Prior to that, we were quietly building away mostly in stealth. You only knew about us if you were deep in the AI community or you liked getting involved in super early blockchain projects.

Catching up with two people at Consensus 2019 in May who helped with Raven very early on. On the left is Nick from Harmony and on the right is B from Viewblock. These guys know deep tech.

We know one of the best ways to bootstrap a nascent network is through a strong community. Our goal was to get RAVEN tokens into the hands of as many people as possible. Thus, we raised our Strategic Round in April 2019. Following that was a Private Round in May and the IDO (Initial DEX Offering) in June.

A big thanks to all of of these early supporters. They have been invaluable in helping Raven get to the next stage. Many of these funds asked us the hardest questions and were not shy during the DD process.

We knocked the community milestone way out of the park. Our TG grew to 26K members (up from 2K). Twitter grew to 15.5K followers (up from 2K). Number of wallets holding RAVEN is 18.2K (up from 0!)

However, we did have a big unexpected surprise in the community that we weren’t expecting or prepared for. A group of 10 people came together to support Raven by volunteering their own time, money, and resources to help the community learn about the use cases of Raven and to expand our presence. This initiative is called The Raven Knights who are on guard 24/7/365. They are super active on Telegram, Twitter, and ran many viral campaigns already: giveaways, airdrops, mini-contests, TG stickers, etc.

Made with ❤ by Sir Lukas [Raven Knight⚔️]

Showing off the love from the community

We weren’t sure how to share the amazing things the community is saying about Raven. So we’ll just let people speak for themselves!

April 2019

The executive producer of cryptorushmovie.com
Brad is known to be very direct, straightforward, and blunt. We are glad he understands the long term vision.
Hanging out with the creators of The Crypto Street Podcast
Sherman featured in the book Tea with Crypto Shakers alongside Roger Ver and Tim Draper. https://www.amazon.in/Tea-Crypto-Shakers-Crypto-Investing-Conversation-ebook/dp/B07T56K3MR
Hosted by Nvidia is a book signing of Kailash’s (Raven co-founder) book on how to build next-generation generative models using TensorFlow and Keras. The line is was out the door and we are very proud of him on this accomplishment. He is a true super star! Btw, purchase his book on Amazon: https://www.amazon.in/Generative-Adversarial-Networks-Projects-next-generation-ebook/dp/B07F2MY1QH
Co-founder Sherman wrote a piece on Hackernoon about the next evolution of blockchain fundraising. https://hackernoon.com/crypto-investors-did-you-already-miss-the-next-evolution-of-blockchain-fundraising-32339aa46daf
Great overview of different projects and exchanges on why IEOs.
GBIC and Bitmax provided a lot of insight too.
Huobi Head of Marketing

May 2019

Binance welcomes Raven Protocol to the Binance Chain family!
All the TG announcement channels are starting to get word about what Raven Protocol is building. After being in stealth, we are finally on the radar!
Naas Capital understood why AI and Blockchain are a perfect fit for each other.
Binance News round up!
Raven Protocol listed as one of the use cases for BNB. Thanks for the love #UseBNB https://www.binance.com/en/blog/340486418320171008/UseBNB-as-of-May-2019-Now-With-Binance-Chain

June 2019

This was the birth of the #IDO. Consider this as history in the making.
A dive into the new IDO concept on YouTube.
Having too much fun with the #BNBeer campaigns. We bought many rounds on Twitter and the community loved it.
All the way from Uganda!
Solid Raven BNBeer video!
Raven officially joins V Label — Binance’s transparency initiative: https://info.binance.com/en/currencies/raven-protocol
The community made their own Raven stickers! We need to get our hands on some of these.

Want to talk to the founders of Raven?
Drop us an email: founders@ravenprotocol.com

Join us on Telegram: t.me/ravenprotocol
Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/raven_protocol
Get RAVEN on Binance DEX: binance.org/en/trade/RAVEN-F66_BNB



Raven Protocol

www.RavenProtocol.com is a decentralized and distributed deep-learning training protocol. Providing cost-efficient and faster training of deep neural networks.