Five Fingers, a Brief but Unsettling Tale of Aloneness and Mystery

This situation had my mental gears grinding

Jude Ravenhall
Raven’s Hall


The house where I live was built about 45 years ago. My husband had it built during his first marriage. It could be described as being in the middle of nowhere. I ended up here by accident and do not enjoy rural living. It has been twenty years of me wanting to move away, and we are getting close to it becoming a reality. Strangely enough, now that my partner’s parents have passed, he doesn’t like rural living either — after fighting 20 years to stay!

He has numerous health issues and often has to leave for a week to two weeks at a time to get treatments. The nearest house to our property is where his younger sister and her husband live, fifteen minutes away by foot. That’s fairly far, so they wouldn’t serve as a resource in the event of an emergency. Besides them, there’s only one other neighbor; he’s ‘across the road.’ It would take twenty minutes to get there by foot. I say this to illustrate that if anything were to happen here, no one would hear me scream or be able to move fast enough to help if, for any reason, they were close enough to detect anything going awry.

And with the setting around me described, the tale begins. My husband returned from his last stay-away about two weeks ago. For the most…

