Certainty versus Uncertainty

Ravinder Pal Singh (Ravi)
Raviator’s POV
Published in
2 min readMar 23, 2022
Notes from Frontline

Certainty : We will fix the Virus (Covid19)

Uncertainty : How will we view Life & World?

(Notes from #Frontline (Certainty versus Uncertainty) — https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2756801824446403&id=100003498380802 )

I’m certain that human perseverance will fix this current dance of death and suffering, it’s just a matter of time. With above certainty, some uncertain Truths will emerge:

1. Cost of #Life should not come at the price of #Lifestyle. Intent for compassion has to translate into actual action by everyone and everywhere and everyday. #Disparity and imbalance which takes resources away from most people to live basic life, so a minority can afford an expensive (lavish) lifestyle, is no more sustainable. #Compassion should be inclusive towards #nature i.e. soil, air and other beings (birds, animals, reptiles etc.)

2. Till now world was driven by collaboration of #conflict (potential of #war) and/or economics (fiscal prudence), which should change towards #Collaboration to #Survive i.e. #Health (priority). Healthcare infrastructures across countries need to be revisited and global uniformity has to establish. #Asymptomatic nature of #Covid19 virus will ensure that, now #healthcare can’t be separated from the mainstream #economics and world #trade; in-fact it should be central driver

3. How we design our lives — places where we live, places where we work, places where we interact … all should change. Glorification of creating mega cities is no more sustainable, in-fact #history of demise of past #civilizations have commonality of 4 factors — #Epidemic + #Population movements + Pressure which mega cities put on #rural + #Climate change. There is still merit in nonpolitical #Gandhian theories based on –

a) De-centralization and Micromarkets

b) Rural development (ideal cluster of villages)

c) Self-sufficiency while living harmoniously with nature

d) Greater equity or “distributive #justice via creating institutions than just (only) profit driven businesses

(Please refer my previous note — Virus: The Equalizer on how virus has established Global Equality across Cultures, Religion, Classes and Countries … https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2737845016342084&id=100003498380802 )



Ravinder Pal Singh (Ravi)
Raviator’s POV

Award winning Technologist(Products, Patents); Speaker(5 continents); Pilot(Rescue missions); Investor(Deep Tech); Professor(Entrepreneurship); Harvard Alumni