Ayurvedic | Skeletal fever dengue

Published in
2 min readJan 30, 2022

Every year millions of people around the world fall victim to dengue and thousands die. Bone pain is a common symptom of this disease. Dengue is considered a dangerous disease and is also called osteoporosis. The rage was identified by Benjamin Rush. The disease was transmitted by mosquitoes in the 19th and 20th centuries. Dengue fever is caused by the ‘Dan virus’. Symptoms of dengue usually appear within five to six days once the virus enters the body. The dengue fever virus is transmitted to the body of a healthy person by the bite of a mosquito called Aedes. These mosquitoes usually breed in clean water and bite during the day. Three types of dengue fever The symptoms of dengue in general depend on the type of dengue fever. There are three types of dengue fever. Classical Dengue Fever Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) Dengue Shock Syndrome (DSS) Classical dengue is a self-healing disease and does not cause death but can be fatal if DHF and DSS are not treated immediately. So it is very important to know what kind of fever it is. Diagnosis Dengue can be prevented if it is treated in time, but the question is how to identify it? How do you know if an infected person is infected with the dengue virus? Different types of tests are done to identify dengue. -Dengue is usually diagnosed based on some symptoms. However, this estimate may be wrong. Therefore, if symptoms of dengue are seen, a doctor should be consulted immediately. Doctors usually diagnose dengue based on various symptoms. -Doctor knows if there is dengue by testing the patient’s blood. — Hemagglutination inhibition test and Aliza serological test can also identify dengue virus. Its ELISA test is less expensive and results faster. -Rapid diagnostic kit is used to identify dengue. — Dengue is detected by PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) test. Treatment If the patient has normal dengue fever, his primary treatment can be done at home. -Any good general power fever medicine, paracetamol and syrup can be taken. -Never take headache relieving medicine. — Rest completely and keep drinking water to balance the amount of water in the body. Juices of various fruits can also be taken. -Intake of orange juice keeps the digestive system healthy and also enhances immunity. -If the fever is more than 108 degrees, hydrotherapy (putting cold water in it) is necessary to reduce the fever. — Meals should be given to the patient on normal days, as the body needs more and more food in case of fever. — If fever does not go away, contact a doctor immediately. Which will give proper treatment and medicines by testing. The only simple way to prevent dengue is to avoid mosquitoes that spread the dengue virus. Dengue vaccine to be made from dog sharks Biologists have discovered a chemical called squalamine from the body of a dog shark. Which cures the patient by destroying the virus of diseases like yellow fever and dengue. This chemical kills one hundred percent of dengue. It contains fungicides, antibiotics and protozoanicides. Surprisingly, these chemicals can also be synthesized in a laboratory.

