Medicinal importance of cow mother in our life

Published in
2 min readApr 26, 2022

Gaimata: Medicinal importance of Gaimata in our life

* The cow’s body destroys all kinds of toxins in the body, nourishes, strengthens, is beneficial for the heart. Fresh tea is more delicious and fragrant.

* Cow’s milk kills cancer germs.

Cow’s milk is the best chemical to cure incurable diseases like heart disease, ulcers, tuberculosis etc.

* In ancient India, selling cow’s milk and selling son’s milk was considered as a sin. Selling cow’s and cow’s milk was considered a sin.

* When eyes are sore, bandaging cow’s milk relieves the pain.

* Taking cow’s milk and massaging it all over the body gives relief from many diseases and also makes the skin white, shiny and radiant.

* Eating cow’s milk does not cause any disease in pregnant women.

* In the Mahabharata, King Yudhisthira considered cow’s milk to be equal to amtra. Yudhisthira replied that cow’s milk is the only nectar on earth.

Cow’s milk & amp; nbsp; Transforms the human body, strengthens all its organs and destroys many diseases. Transformation gives new life.

Cow’s milk is given daily to European soldiers for nutritious food.

* Lighting a cow’s lamp in the house makes the atmosphere clean and pure.

* Black cow’s milk is a three-dimensional sedative and is the best.

* Cow’s milk does not increase cholesterol, nor does it facilitate heart and blood flow.

* Drinking hot and amp;

* According to many religious scriptures, Panchamrut cow’s milk, milk, curd, sugar, (sugar) are made from pure rain water.

* Patients with hydrocephalus are strictly forbidden to drink water, only drinking cow’s milk improves the disease.

By the grace of a cow mother, if a pregnant woman eats a cow’s milk curd in a silver bowl for a month, she will give birth to a divinely powerful child.

