Chapter 14

First Steps, Herbs, “Ohgoody,” Bees, and Dear Diary

Debi Smith
Raw and Unfiltered
Published in
5 min readMar 5, 2021


Learning how (not) to use a spoon!

June 18, 1991, Tuesday, 7:45 PM

Catching up on a little journaling while Bruce cooking and Taylor here in the bath.

Taylor took his first step last Monday, June 10! I was making the bed and turned around, and he was just standing there all by himself. He stood there for several seconds and then lurched forward. One step! We were both so excited! Then on Thursday, he took two steps while we were all on the floor playing. He’s so close to walking!

I had to work in Oly last Wednesday and Thursday to cover for Lisa’s vacation, so Taylor stayed next door at daycare. He stayed there again today. I go in and feed him his lunch and rock him before naptime. It’s nice to be so close to him while I’m working. When I went to pick him up today, he was playing by himself in the sandbox. My heart jerked, realizing he is no longer a baby. It happened so fast. And to think it’s only beginning.

There’s a program on tv right now about kids who have run away from home. They show these darling baby pictures and then show the trouble and danger they got into when older. So very sad. I hope we are good parents and that we will always have a close and happy family.

June 19, 1991, Wednesday, 4:15 PM

Do you know how I remind myself what I’ve done the past couple of weeks since I can’t usually seem to get here every day? I look at my checkbook register. Is that sad, or what?

The week of June 3–7, I stayed home all week and thought mostly about herbs and my business. Bruce and I got into it at one point. I was telling him my ideas and he didn’t have too many positive things to say. I knew I still hadn’t hit on the right combo yet; I was just telling him what was going through my mind. He was just worried that my ideas might be fun but not very profitable and that I wouldn’t be able to quit my job. I got mad and went to bed.

I thought about what he said. Why would I just sell herb plants? I couldn’t sell them for very much, and where’s the return business? Then I thought about why I’d begun growing herbs in the first place — because I couldn’t find fresh herbs in the grocery store. So that’s it! I’ll harvest, package, and sell fresh herbs in recipe-sized amounts. I’ve already purchased a vacuum sealer. Next, I will decide on a name for my company (found out Scarborough Faire is not so original), have labels and paperwork printed, and then see if I can get grocery stores to buy them or stock them. I’m so excited!

July 2, 1991, Tuesday, 4:15 PM

Absolutely beautiful out today. As was yesterday. Around 80 degrees and a clear, blue, sunny sky. Taylor and I just came onto the patio to be in the shade. He was in his pool for almost an hour. I even got in with him for a while! He really enjoyed himself. Talking up a storm. “Ohgoody” is his new word. As of yesterday, everything is “Ohgoody.” He’s sitting in his high chair right now eating a banana and some raisins.

He’s such an easy child. This past Saturday was Julie and Dave’s reception. Bruce had to work so it was just Taylor and me. He was an angel the entire time. Just sat on my lap or stood beside me. He’s just like his mom, too, loves to gawk at people.

I think Bruce just pulled up. Time to get the chicken ready for the barbecue. Hope it’s nice like this all week! I love being outside. And to think how much I hated it when I was a kid because I was so afraid of bugs and bees.

July 14, 1991, Sunday 4:45 PM

Dear Diary. I just had to write that once. For some reason, I’ve always thought it corny to address the page that way.

Couple more weeks to catch up on. Let’s see. July 4th, Bruce had to work, but I asked Chuck and Janice to come out and watch Taylor so Bruce and I could go on a picnic after he got home. I packed up our picnic basket (for the first time) with cucumber/basil sandwiches, cheese and crackers, store-bought macaroni and potato salads and apple pie, and some wine.

Bruce got home at a decent hour so we were able to leave by 6:30. We went to the Satsop River and found a nice little spot on a beach. It was fun. Bruce said he had been skeptical but ended up enjoying it.

On Saturday the 6th, we decided to take a drive. It was a beautiful day, and we drove up past Kalaloch to Ruby Beach. So beautiful. I had never been that far up the coast before. The only problem was I was stalked by an enormous black bumblebee the entire time. I got mad at Bruce for saying I was acting like a lunatic, running around and flailing my arms. Hmm. But I wonder what he’d do with a bee attacking him? I think it was the perfume I was wearing.

Finally, I just took Taylor, and he and I went for a long walk down the beach while Bruce napped. On the way back home, we stopped at Kalaloch Lodge and bought a pint of Häagen-Dazs, and we all sat out on a blanket and enjoyed every bite.

Sunday, Bruce got up early and drove to Olympia to get breakfast at Denny’s so that he could get the hologram they were offering. Then he picked up Gary and went golfing. He got home around 2:30. Taylor was napping, and I was outside reading and trying to stay awake after taking an allergy pill.

Learning how to use a spoon!

With Bruce home, I decided to walk across the street and see if I could find any flowers I could dry. I found some pretty purple ones in the field. [A few of them are tucked inside this journal.] I got back and Taylor had just finished eating his lunch. As of last week, he pretty much feeds himself. We practiced with his spoon one day, how not to turn it upside down before getting it to his mouth, and the next day he did it all on his own! He even eats more now, too, probably because he’s having so much fun doing it.



Debi Smith
Raw and Unfiltered

Daughter, wife, mother, grandmother, writer, human being dancing aboard this mote of dust suspended on a sunbeam.