Athens Neighborhood | 11.21.20 @ 5:37pm

To be able to …

Published in
2 min readDec 26, 2020



  • wake up when I want to, no alarm
  • walk freely (naked) without worrying about others (or a dog sniffing my butt)
  • eat as much or little as i’d like without changing my appearance
  • not have to squeeze into jeans
  • always have manicured nails
  • get massages and chiropractic adjustments whenever I need (want) them
  • always have coffee ready in the morning
  • always feel rested no matter how much or little i slept
  • have the wardrobe of my dreams; where all the clothes are flattering, reflective of my personality, and global)
  • wake up to my husband next to me (or bringing me coffee in bed)
  • dance until my feet are sore and I’m out of breath, all sweaty
  • have the perfect playlist for all the moments
  • have a dance studio at home
  • always be warm aka live in a place where it’s always … ALWAYS more than 75 degrees … even at night!
  • have a garden / farm where I get all my vegetables from
  • teleport
  • shut my mind up when i want to


  • help everyone that needs it
  • connect with everyone that I want to help
  • have unlimited resources to help people
  • have a team of scientists who guide my teachings
  • apply science
  • not be in a lab or behind a computer, unless I want to
  • dance, smile, laugh, and drum with people I barely know
  • share an unfamiliar meal with people who it is familiar to
  • push myself creatively in order to share a potentially life-saving message
  • educate non-traditionally
  • travel, but make it meaningful
  • have a program where females can come and grab necessary feminine products
  • feed the hungry all day every day for the rest of my life
  • regenerate, so I can donate organs indefinitely … or so others don’t need to be placed on organ transplant lists, because they can simply grow a new one that’s perfectly healthy
  • spend sooo much time with babies and puppies and kittens and other baby animals
  • always have a clean house
  • not have to lie

Dance ideas …

  • fill enclosure with mosquitoes and make a dance out of the process of collecting mosquitoes from the enclosure, using an aspirator (oviposition experiment) …. release all those caught at the end
  • a piece about not feeling comfortable in your own skin. Not feeling comfortable in your environment/surroundings. A piece about pain (emotional and physical). Mix of ‘Missed Opportunity’, ‘Interplay’, Humphrey, and that modern combination.




I struggle a lot through this thing called life. I often think in questions. I don’t edit my posts…they are just my raw thoughts at that time.