chozun 途赞: A New Travel & Loyalty Ecosystem

Teresa Truda
Raw Startupism
Published in
4 min readMay 7, 2018

The purpose of travel hasn’t really changed since humans first started roaming our planet. We do it to discover new things, new places and explore. What has changed dramatically is how people travel. Independent millennial travellers are a new breed of travellers, aware that buying a house might not be possible, but discovering the coolest cafes in Vietnam, or hidden beauties of Hong Kong are well within our reach. This is a brief summary of Co-Founders Zia Word and Teresa Truda’s interview with Future Tech Podcast about how we’re redefining travel for independent millennials and putting loyalty back where it belongs — in the hands of the user.

As with every generation, we bring a new norm to the table. We’ve been born into a digital and international community of likeminded individuals, from Tokyo to Melbourne — we speak the language of the internet and essentially all want the same things. Just as we have changed from the previous generation, and just as our methods of travel have changed through the ages, so have our needs from loyalty systems. We’re missing so many opportunities with travel and commoditising our tacit local knowledge — and we can finally start using them to help ourselves.

Photo by Anete Lūsiņa on Unsplash

chozun 途赞 offers a new travel and loyalty ecosystem, based on convenience, personalisation, trust, awesome tech and a strong sense of digital community. We place users in a position where they control what they want, when they want it, and enable them to do what they want, when they want to with their CZN points. It’s a community where the more we put in, the more you get, and the more brands end up getting to. It’s a decentralised win for everyone. Plus, the CZN points won’t expire after 12 months like the current loyalty models do. We’re working tirelessly to help increase the value of CZN, and in doing so, make it a valuable asset for you.


  • Saves time when you’re in a rush, you’re not thinking clearly, or would simply prefer to have something recommended to you based on you.
  • Active in 22 countries across Asia and Australia and looking to expand to Europe in the near future.
  • The loyalty you earn doesn’t expire, in fact it may even grow in value with in-app promotions or with future investment in chozun 途赞’s cryptocurrency, CZN.
Photo by Fabian Irsara on Unsplash


  • Individual travellers, travel pools or travel squads are able to have custom in-app events created for them by the brands they engage with most frequently, where users can get real benefits, and do things they’d actually want to do, for promotions and valuable offerings from the brands. It gives groups access to hidden and exclusive things from the brands, things they would actually want but otherwise not have access to.
  • Highly personalised, trusted on the ground services and experiences for the independent millennial traveller.
  • Artificial intelligence and data science is used provide predictive and contextual personalisation for recommendations and purchasing. Anything from the current weather where you are, an unexpected VIP event announcement, your preference in coffee or appreciation of the ocean will affect the experiences we recommend.


  • Eliminating indecision and fake reviews from around the web- the blockchain is designed to weed out the fake reviews.
  • Understanding cultural differences, to provide anyone around the world with useful feedback specific to where they’re from and who they are — rather than allowing cultural bias to come into affect.
  • Decentralising the loyalty ecosystem, where users have the sole power to buy, sell, swap and spend their CZN coins.
Photo by Daniel van den Berg on Unsplash

Awesome tech

  • Looking into limited travel packages that people can trade on the blockchain.
  • Data and tech don’t just happen overnight — but when they do happen, they’re are able to change the game overnight. We’ve been working on some unique, propriety tech in the backend developing things that people will want and now we’re at a point where we can start making that useful for the users.
  • Currently a mobile app, with a beta web version and WeChat app that will only to continue to be improved. All the platforms chozun 途赞 are underpinned by blockchain tech.


  • Increases your sense of belonging — no matter where you are in the world, by giving likeminded solo travellers a better way to link up.
  • People who own CZN will be able to get access to members clubs in an increasing amount of otherwise exclusive locations, including in London, Singapore, Hong Kong and the US.
  • Gamifying travel, so you can collaborate with other people in your area or travel squads to complete set challenges in exchange for crypto.
Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

To hear the full interview head to Future Tech Podcast or click below. Together we can put the power of loyalty back in the hands of the user.

Written by Stefan Petersen.



Teresa Truda
Raw Startupism

Super Geek. Speaker. Advisor. Love travel. Eat food. Make out with tech. Love to have my way with words, occasionally. More: