Translating Kahani Suno by Kaifi Khalil

Saba Kazmi
Rawanee Voices
Published in
2 min readApr 14, 2024

One of the most popular Urdu songs in recent times. Translated in English.

Generated image of a man reminiscing near the water. Source: Canva

Kahani suno — One of the most loved romantic songs of recent times, full of longing and wistfulness in the hypnotic voice of Kaifi Khalil. It was heard, on repeat, from speakers across the subcontinent and Urdu- and Hindi-speaking households worldwide. It inspired many to confess, and even more to reminisce of broken hearts and first crushes.

Here is our translation of the song. As translations go, this is our interpretation. We have tried our utmost to stay true to the poetry; please accept our apologies if the meaning of any of the words has changed in the translation as it is limited to our interpretation of the words and the language of English.

Screenshot from Kaifi Khalil’s video Kahani Suno on YouTube.

Kahani suno

Zubani suno

Mujhe pyar hua tha

Iqrar hua tha

Hear a story

From me, hear

I fell in love

I confess(ed), my dear

I went crazy

Deliriously so

That your longing;

Fables would sow

The scent you emanate

The sight as you part

You will have to meet

Too long we’ve been apart

Hear the wails

Injustices, hear

I fell in love

I confess(ed), my dear

My heartfelt desire

To make you my bride

Henna on your hands

In my name, I’d write

I’d take away your demons

sacrifice for you

My heartfelt desire

An ‘us’, I construe

Fidelity is not hard

Please look here

In your eyes

My universe, everywhere

Some time do hear

What I couldn’t declare

You are my world

My answered prayer

Listen to my pleas

Retributions, hear

I fell in love

I confess(ed), my dear.

Special shout-out to Nadir F Khan (NadirKhanFeroz) for his help with the translation.

Rawanee tried to reach out to Kaifi’s team with the translation; unfortunately, we weren’t successful. We’re happy to share the English words on Medium for readers.

Are there any other songs or poems Rawanee could translate for you? Please leave a comment.



Saba Kazmi
Rawanee Voices

Committed Mum. Love Tech. Analytical (over)Thinker with an MBA. Always with a Book, a Notebook, a Cuppa and a Million Ideas.