Making Your Feed Personal

Serge Ulankin
Published in
2 min readSep 11, 2019

It’s here, recommendations we have been working on!

Yes, we had a personalized feed. But was it recommendations? Hardly. It just used your activity data to throw in more games that you have recently looked at. But does it mean that we actually recommend you those games? No.

Today, we are glad to present the feed based on your ratings. It looks and works the same.

But it’s so much different inside. Here’s what’s changed:

  • The feed contains games that are highly rated by the rawgers that liked the same games as you.
  • RAWG also uses some additional factors such as adding games to your favorites or what you’ve been playing recently.
  • RAWG changes the feed as often as you rate or play new games.
  • Sometimes (not often!) RAWG throws in the game that is really popular among rawgers right now just so that you are in the know with what is trending. These are the games that rawgers are wishlisting or playing a lot right now.

This list is finite as compared with the endless feed we used to have. It may be short if you haven’t rated or played much or it may be long but what is good is that it is tailored just for you.

But wait, there’s more.

Additionally, we are testing the option to filter games on some lists with your platforms only. In the GIF above, I filtered games in the last 30 days list from within the profile that owns games only on Nintendo consoles. As you see, Gears 5 and Control are instantly removed and instead you see Astral Chain and the remaster of FFVIII.

We hope you you’ll enjoy these changes and find more great games to play. If you have an idea, we would love to hear them!

