RAWG is now faster than Sonic. Quality of life update

Dmitry Muratov
Published in
2 min readJun 5, 2018


The last big feature we have rolled out was the all-new community feed. Rawgers’ feedback was very positive (although we had to fix lots of bugs) and so we set our sights to optimizing RAWG and adding quality of life features. Some of them came as a result of the feedback directly from our users, while other changes are mostly things you never knew you wanted (but you did!).

Page load performance

We’ve made a lot of optimization changes to speed up RAWG. You will notice that game pages now weight less and open up much faster, almost instantly, considering the amount of information you get.

RAWG calendar is now easier to navigate

We made some changes to the calendar, making it easy to use. Originally the calendar showed you the most popular games on top, but it didn’t make much sense. Popularity was prioritized over chronology, and so you could get late releases at the beginning of the month. Now the calendar has a separate popularity filter, and all the games are always shown chronologically. The filter is “on” by default so that you see the most popular releases in the calendar.

Your profile

If you state your full name in your profile settings, the name will show up instead of your username everywhere on RAWG. This is an optional change and you can always delete your name through setting so that the username will be displayed.

Community feed

“Show only review & posts” filter in the Community feed has been tweaked a little to truly show all the posts and reviews. Enjoy!

Future plans

Right now we are hard at work on the token achievement reward system. We are considering to shake up our main page a bit.

And finally, we are turning the “My library” button into a menu, expect it soon!

