5 Ways To Have Your Best Single Valentine’s Day Ever

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3 min readFeb 3, 2014

There are so many thoughts and feelings that surround Valentine’s Day for singles. Some people use it as a way to defend their single-ness and say, “I don’t need a man!” There is even a whole Anti-Valentine’s Day movement. While it may make people feel better about being single by revolting against love, it is a very negative energy to have. Isn’t love what we, as humans, are all searching for?

We forget that we can find love in so many places other than just a romantic relationship. We experience it in deep convos with our girlfriends, in participating/engaging in something we are passionate about, or even through the appreciation of nature. This year, fill up with positive energy and celebrate all the things that currently bring us happiness and love! We don’t have to wait to be in a relationship to experience love in our life.

Here are 5 Ways to Have Your Best Single Valentine’s Day:
1. Invite Your Friends Over for a Pleasure Party Complete with V-day Cocktails
When I say pleasure I don’t mean something weird and kinky, I just mean doing things that feel good with people that make you feel good. So, have your friends over and eat your favorite food, drink Valentines cocktails or wine, watch chick flicks, or play board games! Have fun and celebrate life and friends!
2. Have a Movie Night of Rom-Coms Featuring your Favorite Hot Actors
If you don’t have the opportunity to hang out with your friends for Valentine’s Day, snuggle up with your favorite rom-coms. Celebrate love even if it is in a movie. It is great to envision yourself feeling the way the characters in the movie feel. And there is nothing wrong with watching a hot guy for a couple hours! When you find your dream man it will be based in reality, but it should still feel special and exciting like in the movies.
3. Have a Secret Valentine Gift Exchange
This is a fun way to celebrate with your friends so you can give and receive love. Just because you don’t have a man doesn’t mean you are not cared about. It feels great to give a gift to a friend and to feel special yourself by receiving something sweet.
4. Give Yourself a Special Gift
If it is too late to get a gift exchange going, never fear. All you need is yourself to feel special this V-day. Remember you are celebrating you and the things you love, so treat yourself. Buy your own box of chocolates or a delicious cupcake. Brighten up your day with beautiful flowers or a new pair of shoes. Maybe V-Day becomes Spa Day and you treat yourself to a facial or massage. The sky is the limit and you deserve to treat yourself and celebrate loving you!
5. Create a Love Vision Journal
This is for those of you who desire to be in a relationship but it just isn’t happening right now in your life. Law of attraction states that “like attracts like” and that if you have a vision and believe in the positive things you want, they will come to you. That is why it is important to have a vision and belief of what you want from a man and relationship. This Love Vision Journal is a place for you to write down all the things you want from your perfect life partner and start believing that person is coming into your life soon. Be specific. Write down how you want to feel, what you want to do with your partner and the traits and values you want them to have. This is very energizing and positive and actually helps you attract the love of your life (it did for me). After doing vision and law of attraction work like this for 6 months I met my soul mate!

As a dating and relationship coach I work with my clients to gain clarity on what they want and identify patterns that may be holding them back from getting and keeping the man of their dreams. We use the law of attraction and visioning to help them find their perfect match.

Remember: This Valentines Day is about celebrating you and all the love in your life. How are you going to make this Single Valentine’s Day the best ever?! Leave a comment and have fun celebrating you!

