D.I.Y Power Networking — How To Become Your Most Powerful Asset

Published in
3 min readApr 27, 2014

Eeeerrrrggghhhh networking. I hate it. At least I thought I did. As a Director of SheSays, which has become the largest global creative network for Women, you probably find that an odd thing to say. It took me a long time to realise what I did for fun was actually networking and I have the SheSays co-founders — Laura Jordan Bambach and Ale Lariu to thank for this. When they started SheSays in 2007 all the network events you went to you had to pay to attend. They were dull, stuffy and full of people thrusting tatty business cards in your face working out quickly whether there was any point in continuing to talk to you — or not. It. Was. Awful.

Ale and Laura brought a fresh new way of ‘networking’ that felt more like hanging out with some new friends. Their events were (and still are) free. People didn’t exchange business cards but chatted informally about work, life, boys, girls and anything in between in a relaxed environment that was welcoming and inclusive. There are now hundreds of events like this now but at the time it really was pioneering.

After the first SheSays event, I started to help Laura and Ale with the running of the events and unconsciously I spent the next 7 years building my own personal network. It started with meeting people for coffee just because I found them interesting. Then I realised that it would be great to get that person talking to that other person I knew. Sometimes, something really great happened from serendipitously putting these people together and it felt really great to be the catalysts for this. And then people did the same thing to me — connecting me with people to help with SheSays, my work or just because they thought we would get on and that felt really great too. Now my network feels like a massive group of friends — some I see often, some only from time to time, but all of them stay in a precious ‘rolodex’ in my mind ready to be pulled out at the right opportunity for collaboration or for me to share something that might be of value to them.

I have seen how incredibly precious my network has now become. It enriches my life on far more levels than purely a financially one. It has given me some awesome life experiences, connections and the unique opportunity to be the catalysts for some amazing projects and collaborations. In fact I wish I had started this type of networking 10 years earlier than I did and I urge you to do the same.

Here are my top tips on how you too can build an incredible network that will enrich your life and work in more ways than you could ever imagine…

1. Don’t be shy
Get over you lack of confidence of talking to people. It does feel like hardwork in the beginning but the more you push yourself the easy it becomes. Most people feel exactly the same as you so be brave — make the first move to talk to people.
2. It’s not about you
We all love to talk about ourselves and how great we are but don’t assume everyone is interested or even cares! Ask people about themselves — be curious and interested and they will be the same about you.
3. Talk to every and anyone
Don’t underestimate where new connections or opportunities can come from. Make every interaction with someone new come from a place where you interact with them as your equal. This will stop you feeling intimidated from meeting people who may have more authority or experience then you. And it will stop you from making negative assumptions about people that you incorrectly perceive as not being of value to you.
4. Use Social Media
Social media makes it really easy for you to gather your network in one place so you can easy get in touch with them when you uncover an opportunity to share or connect with them. Twitter and Instagram are also great ways of being able to invest in your connections by keeping track of what they up to and sharing things you think will help them on their journey.
5. Make time to nurture and invest in your network
If you want a network that is going to make a difference to your life and work then you need to invest some time and energy into your connections. Make time to share things you see that might be of interest to people, Have coffees/catch up with people face to face to find out what they up too.

