Daily Rituals Of Badass Babes

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3 min readMar 28, 2016

Being ‘badass’ isn’t just a thing that comes naturally. These Women really work hard to earn the respect of that title. However, you too can achieve great things in your life if you commit to changing your daily habits. Here’s the daily rituals of successful, badass babes….

1. Get up before the rest of the world

Literally speaking this is impossible as the whole world is on different time zones, but women that wake up super early, say between and 5 and 6 am are more successful than those who don’t. Getting up early gives you an advantage over your colleagues, competitors, friends, and the perfect time for you to get shit done for yourself. Either mediate, hit the gym, read, make a healthy breakfast — whatever makes you feel like your day is off to a great start. Plus the added bonus of seeing the sunrise.

2. Sweat

Working out daily will not only make you feel amazing but you’ll look smoking hot too. Training first thing in the morning is the optimum time for efficient fat burning.

3. Manage time better

Women who keep a diary and plan their schedules are the ones who get the most shit done. It’s the old cheesy rule of “fail to prepare and prepare to fail”. Set a purpose for your day and week and break it down into realistic targets and goals. Let no shit get in your way.

Click ‘next’ to view more daily rituals of successful women…

4. Cut out negativity

Don’t get wrapped up in drama , avoid petty crap and don’t take any shit of anyone. Avoid wasting hours on social media absorbing everyones problems and do something productive to benefit yourself.

5. Make an effort with your appearance

Look sassy and you’ll feel sassy. Look shit and you’ll feel shit. Although dressing for yourself will do wonders for your self-esteem, it will also make people treat you better. As shallow as it goes, people will be more drawn to you.

6. Be thankful

Being grateful everyday will invite more abundance and good stuff into your life. Start the day by waking up and reminding yourself what your thankful for, and then end the day by writing the best bits of your day in a gratitude journal.

Click ‘next’ to view more daily rituals of successful women…

7. Eat well

A wise woman knows that she needs her energy to last the day and get shit done. So rather than living off coffee and diet coke, the badass babe nourishes her body because she knows the value of real energy and nutrition. Do not be afraid to eat carbs, this will give your brain the glucose it needs to be efficient and the energy for your workouts.

8. Get an early night

Don’t waste hours in bed on social media or watching Netflix. Realise that sleep is your chance to recharge so tomorrow you can attack the day and be amazing. You also need at least 6–8 hours a night to slow down the ageing process and prevent bags under your eyes.

9. Stick to a routine no matter what

Even if you had a night out with friends, make sure you get up at the same time every day. Eventually this will be second nature and badass babes rise ready to strike no matter what.

It takes only 21 days to form a habit, so how badly do you really want it?

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