Legally Blonde Is 15 Years Old! Here’s What Elle Woods Taught Us About Crushing Real Life Career Goals

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3 min readJul 14, 2016

15 years? bloody hell, where has the time gone!? It feels like only yesterday we were in awe of the pink princess defying expectations and killing it in the court room.

Legally Blonde may have been ‘just’ a chick flick, but the messages from that movie were much bigger, encouraging Women everywhere (not just blondes) to follow their dreams and kick ass — (in couture and heels.)

Whilst being a fully-fledged grown up and watching the film again, with priorities and real life stress, it makes you really notice the lessons Elle was trying to teach us at the time.

So what did Elle Woods teach us in Legally Blonde about being a real life Woman in a real life business world…

1. Don’t get caught up in other peoples perception of you. That’s their view and you’re a whole lot more than that. Elle’s friends and family kept trying to talk her out of going to Harvard Law, but she didn’t listen.

Legally Blonde Is 15 Years Old! Here's What Elle Woods Taught Us About Crushing Real Life Career Goals

2. Stay focused on your lane and nothing else. Remember how many pool parties and sororities Elle DIDN’T attend? Instead, she focused on studying and getting ahead.

3. Never miss a beat, especially when other people are screwing up. When Elle hears about Brooke’s false workout promises due to her actually having liposuction, her first reaction is to panic. But in reality, you can learn a lot from the downfall of a person who’s built their career on lies.

4. Praise yourself when you succeed at something; but don’t let it prevent you from moving forward to your next goal. Elle’s main objective was just to get into Harvard to prove Warner wrong, but once she’d achieved that she soon set her goal on crushing cases.

Legally Blonde Is 15 Years Old! Here's What Elle Woods Taught Us About Crushing Real Life Career Goals

5. Don’t lose your dignity to get where you want. Remember when that creep Professor Callahan tried it on with Elle in his office? Even though she was on the brink of winning her case, she chose to walk away and remain dignified because she knew she was good enough without him and Harvard.

6. Keep the right people around you and ignore the haters. Initially Elle had such a hard time off that pretentious Vivian in her cashmere cardigans, but she never reacted to her antics. Instead, she rose above it and stayed close to her true friends for support, manicurist Paulette, Margot and Serena. Not to forget that dreamboat Emmett who always had her back and encouraged her daily.

7. Don’t be afraid to go with your gut. When Elle knew how to win the case, but everyone else couldn’t see her point, she stuck at it. If you know in your heart of hearts you’re right on something, push until everyone else does too.

Legally Blonde Is 15 Years Old! Here's What Elle Woods Taught Us About Crushing Real Life Career Goals

8. Remember who helped you get where you are. Even though Elle’s success was mainly down to herself and overcoming many trials and tribulations (lol) , she still thanked her bestie Paulette for always being there for her when times were hard.

9. Take pride in yourself. Elle always looked immaculately dressed and whilst this may have been of detriment to how seriously people took her in the beginning of the movie, eventually people saw beyond her ‘barbie-esque’ exterior and respected her for her accomplishments. Take pride in your appearance. You can be the brains AND the beauty, you know?!

10. Celebrate Yourself!

Legally Blonde Is 15 Years Old! Here's What Elle Woods Taught Us About Crushing Real Life Career Goals

