This Sassy 5 Year Old Has Better Style Than Most Grown Women…

Published in
1 min readAug 17, 2016

It’s pretty normal for Woman to waste hours and hours obsessing over celebs and stylish bloggers on Instagram in an attempt to then go and recreate the look ourselves (which never quite works as well)
But what we wouldn’t usually do is take style tips from a child.

Until now…

Meet Sophia, a 5 year old bundle of sassy-ness who has already earned herself some big style points at such a young age. With her Instagram followers and likes racking up day by day, we’re sure we’ll see big things in the fashion world from Sophia in the future.

Whether she’s adopting the looks from some big celebs, or expressing her own personal style, Sophia is dressing better than most Women in their 20’s — ones on good money too!


