Set Reminders, Stay in control of Research Tasks

RAx News
Published in
3 min readMar 2, 2021

Introducing NEW Reminder feature in RAx

Ever forgotten to read an important paper…? We have all been there!

You came across an interesting paper and added it to your literature list, intending to read it in a day or two. Three weeks pass by. Next time you come across the same paper, you have forgotten why you wanted to read it. Forgotten the context, the idea that it sparked, and the reason why. Never again!

RAx has introduced the Reminder feature to help you keep track of What you need to read and When. You can choose the date and the time and add a small note to remind yourself why you set the Reminder.

How the Reminder feature in RAx works –

  1. To set a Reminder, click on the icon beside any paper.

2. Choose a date and time for the Reminder. Add a note, what the Reminder is for.

3. You have the option to customize the date as well as the time of your Reminder.

4. You will be notified by email when the task is due.

5. Click on the icon on the top right corner of your project page to access all your reminders.

6. To reschedule a Reminder, use the Snooze drop down.

7. You will be able to see all your past and current Reminders under Upcoming, Overdue and Completed tabs.

Setting Reminders can be of help, to get through your Reading List on schedule. Reminders can also help you assign specific tasks for each paper and RAx allows you to see all your Research tasks in one place. Making it easy to prioritize and use your precious time effectively.



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