An Open Letter to Democrats

Ray Buckley
Ray for DNC
Published in
1 min readJan 21, 2017

Dear Friends,

Donald Trump is the President of the United States of America.

I’ll admit that I’ve had trouble finding the words to describe how yesterday felt. Perhaps you can understand this. Yesterday — a culmination of these past two months — was at once disheartening, confusing, frustrating, enraging…

But I hope that you — like me — have also felt moments of hope.

Today, hundreds of thousands of citizens marched on Washington for women’s rights, alongside hundreds of thousands more in cities around the world. That’s not disheartening. That’s energizing.

And over the past week, our Democratic U.S. Senators have stood up to Donald Trump’s most extreme cabinet nominees again and again, making headlines and drawing attention to important issues. That’s not frustrating. That’s inspiring.

“If something needs fixing, lace up your shoes and do some organizing.” — President Barack Obama

Now, more than ever, we must have hope.

Now is the time for commitment — not complacency.

Now is the time for concrete plans — not vague platitudes.

Now is the time to be proactive — not reactive.

Now is the time to stop agonizing and start organizing.

I hope that together we can do just that.

— Raymond



Ray Buckley
Ray for DNC

@NHDems Chair, @DemChairs President., @TheDemocrats ViceChair & @lgbt_Dems mbr. Ex @NHHouseDems Whip, running DNC Chair