Keep Life Simple

Somanand N
Published in
2 min readAug 23, 2018

A significant way to bring peace and increase productivity in life.

Photo by Emile Seguin on Unsplash

Everyone around you and I are jugglers. We all juggle around our thoughts continuously. Our clustered thoughts clutter, sputter and cloud our brains. I wonder and, at the same time, pity our brain how much workload it has to bear. Is it really necessary to crowd our brains with so much stuff?

As we are inching more toward tech savvy-society which boast to mitigate the effort to accomplish any task, the more we are pounded with load of work — of which majority is rubbish, garbage and nonsense.

By birth, somehow, we have the disposition to complicate things, entangle them more and make them inextricable, which in turn poses a complex problem to solve. Turning a simple pathway into a labyrinth and then trying to solve a complicated riddle not only causes brain fatigue but also consumes much of our precious time and energy.

The best productivity has an air of simplicity, be it designing any application or structure, hypothesising any theory or handling relationships. Simpler things appear far more penetrating and effective. A simple communication may result in life changing deal, a simple design may attract umpteen complex minds. A simple, eloquent speech may draw the crowd for revolutionary change.
On the other hand complexity confuses mind, idea, people and motive. A complex natured communication may result in speculating ulterior motive. More complex design results in many loopholes.

Even the KISS (an acronym for Keep It Simple Stupid) principle says that most systems work best if they are kept simple. As per the problem-solving principle of Occam’s razor, “the simplest solution for a problem turns out to be the right one”. When presented with competing hypotheses, one should opt for a solution with the fewest assumptions. Forget about the materialistic world; even spiritually speaking, it’s unnecessary to do with more what can be done with fewer. Keeping simplicity and resisting over-decantation of thoughts is undeniably the single most important piece of advice given by self-help gurus.

Life looks more easier and wonderful with simpler but noble thoughts. A mind free of garbage is no less than spending quality time in serene world with a sage full of wisdom. A calm river, gentle breeze, tranquil atmosphere all bespeak simplicity and nobility. Abundance, opulence and ostentatiousness is not the key. Meagerness with serenity is.

Simple is beautiful. Simple is elegant. Simple is graceful.

Resist overthinking. Let life be simple but significant.

