Behind the scene of local news

Raychelle Riley
Ray of Sunshine
Published in
2 min readMay 16, 2019

Local newspapers and news broadcast companies are slowly moving and evolving into national news and alternative broadcast options.

Large corporations are beginning to take control or buy out local news media outlets to further national agendas. Monopolizing and controlling information that is being disseminated has a top priority for larger companies.

John Dupont at Livingston Parish news who stated, “ Even the local news is starting to source out to different states for consultation and resources due to the lack of funding and resources for local news.”

Also, individuals from other states are having a say in local news. Many other reporters have expressed the observed decrease in staff. The numbers are dwindling drastically. Only one or two reporters are being sent out to review all of the news in the parishes and state.

Local news is anchored by their readers or viewers. Their main source of income comes from the ads that they display, however if there aren’t enough readers and viewers, then less organizations and corporations want to pay these news companies for advertisements.

The local audience is often distracted by the national news currently, which has caused local news companies to be overshadowed and displaced by the national news.

The importance of what is happening in individuals’ own communities are now diminishing and declining.

Also, to keep up with mainstream media, local news outlets are having to alter their approach to reach their audience

Dupont said “My administrators have even told us not to identify ourselves as the newspaper anymore because we deal with so many different outlets.”

People are now consuming news through social media, the internet, and even through apps. News is becoming a diverse entity and times are beginning to change; therefore the way individuals consume their news on a daily basis is becoming a lot more complex.

Local news is starting to become overshadowed by national news events. News reporters and broadcasters are being spread thin and work is becoming almost unbearable to handle, but nonetheless they are still cutting back on photographers, editors, reporters and broadcasters.

This downward spiral has to find its way back up because it is essential to know what is going on right in our backyards.

If the local news does not continue to stay strong, fight off monopolizing news corporations, and bring forth important news stories, the essential news that we receive today will be lost.

