The Path of Most Resistance

Raychelle Riley
Ray of Sunshine
Published in
2 min readMay 18, 2019
Daniel Landry (left) and Sarah Scott (middle) along with their West Livingston School classmates.

Daniel Landy and Sarah Scott were born in Denham Springs during the 1940s and have since watched their small city and country transition through rapid changes over many years.

They lived in a time when segregation was still in existence and defending themselves against racism was a daily routine.

Scott stated, “Many individuals think that segregation took place such a long time ago, but what many don’t know is that it only ended just a couple of years ago.”

The siblings attended West Livingston School, which was the only colored school in the west part of the parish. It was a school that included all ages and grade levels.

In 1981, white and black schools were forced to desegregate and form public schools for all colors and ethnicities, which was ordered by the state government.

Landry said, “It was nice to see that change was beginning to happen, however the racism and discrimination was still there. The teachers and students despised these changes and made it hard for us in the classroom.”

During childhood, they were very active in the community and were self proclaimed activists for equality.

Landry described an instance when he was a young adult. He wanted to join a march for equality, however the police force that was present at the event ripped his shirt and told him he had to join the march somewhere else.

Although this frightened him, he did not let it discourage him from continuing to fight for what he believed in.

When Scott was younger, she explained that she and her family had to constantly watch their speech and actions, especially around whites.

“They would look down on us, call us names and dared us to retaliate. They would throw you in jail for anything,” Scott explained.

Although the siblings have fought many battles and had many challenges throughout their lifetime, they never failed to lose faith and looked to God for guidance in such situations.

They are both educators who have retired from the Livingston Parish school system. Landry taught for over 40 years and Scott recently retired from teaching in May 2018, having accumulated 50.5 years of teaching.

Landry and Scott have made a huge impact on their community and have touched many lives within Denham Springs. Both shared that they will continue to work for The Lord and work in the service of others.

