Does America Deserve Donald Trump?

Raymmar Tirado
Raymmar’s Reads
Published in
3 min readMar 2, 2016


Ten years ago, if I had told you that the Woman of the Year was going to be a man, that America’s favorite dad was a repeat rapist, and that Donald Trump would be the frontrunner for president, you might have called me crazy! But here we are, and this is the world we live in.

Heck, right in my own back yard, the Republican Party of Sarasota invented a new award (Statesman of the Year) just so that they could give it to Trump twice in less than three years. Something I never really understood until I read this article, and learned that the Chairman of the Florida State, and Sarasota County Republican Party, has gone all-in on the Trump for President bandwagon.

Which got me thinking…

How much of what we call modern politics is just a cunningly choreographed charade? Would it be safe to say that Washington DC is devolving into a pseudo-Hollywood for ugly people? Could it be that this is all just a bad reality television show running 24/7/365? And if so, haven’t we already watched this episode?

Because if you ask me, the mere fact that we are considering Donald Trump for president means that we are not looking for real solutions. It means that we are so blind to what is really going on in American that we are willing to let the political establishment rip us in half again, right down party lines.

Are you seriously going to stand there and tell me that there is no one else out there? No one who cares about the people, the future, and the well being of this country, more than they care about the power they would possess as its president? Someone who might actually be able to set aside the social and ideological differences to try and tackle some real problems? But that seems impossible in an election that might cost the candidates $5 Billion dollars. Almost double the amount spent in the 2012 presidential election.

Which brings me to another point…

How can we expect the people in Washington to fix any of the problems we face as average American citizens, when no one up there even knows what it is like to be average anymore? It’s like the powers at be allow us to “elect” a leader, but when was the last time any of us actually “selected” a leader? When was the last time we got to pick the politician that would represent us?

Instead we are relegated to deciding between the lesser of two evils. Forced to support a candidate because they are the least worst option. Or maybe because they are the only candidate who is “electable”.

Then we place those politicians and public leaders on untouchable pedestals. The same pedestals on which we prop our celebrities and entertainers. All part of the bread and circus that keeps us distracted on a daily basis…

The truth is, that Trump is nothing more than a useful distraction. Another puppet, dressed as a passionate politician, looking to bring us his version of “hope” and “change”. Waiting to lead us all, like the pied piper of politicians,with a line of blind followers chasing behind him.

But much like Obama before him (or her), the next president really only needs to serve one purpose. To polarize us. To force us to pick a side of the political aisle and then leverage that divide to bolster their power. To keep us occupied hating ourselves as opposed to learning about how we can work together to make real progress.

Something Trump is doing marvelously. As if being an arrogant prick comes naturally to him…

Because at the end of the day, we don’t want progress. We want power. And we want it for our team. We want to be the winners of this political SuperBowl, and mostly, we just want a dictator that falls on our side of the fence. Someone who we can pretend to feel good about for the next few years. Because anything else might actually be effective, and we wouldn’t want that, now would we?

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Raymmar Tirado
Raymmar’s Reads

Creative strategist and professional instigator of ideas. Asker of Questions, Seeker of Truths @RayTirado #30DoT