Quick Intro [Video] — The Unhireable Podcast

A place to talk about chasing dreams, falling down, and getting back up.

Raymmar Tirado
Raymmar’s Reads
1 min readFeb 3, 2016


What is the first thing you think about when I say “ Unhireable”?

I used to think I was unhireable because I couldn’t find the right job. I never realized that it was just the worlds way of telling me I was supposed to go out and create that job myself.

But I didn’t just want to go create one job, I wanted to find a way to help others to do the same thing. So I’ve teamed up with Clear Idea Labs, and we’re building software designed to empower creative entrepreneurs.

We’ll start small with a weekly video podcast, and roll out the master vision over the next few months.

Along the way, we’ll outline opportunities for you to get involved, because at the end of the day, this is all about me trying to help you become as powerful as I know you were really meant to be.

Learn more about Raymmar and the Unhireable Podcast, and then join me on my journey from Unhireable to Unfireable.



Raymmar Tirado
Raymmar’s Reads

Creative strategist and professional instigator of ideas. Asker of Questions, Seeker of Truths @RayTirado #30DoT