Xavier Haniquaut joins Rayon, as Senior Software Engineer

Shira Nathan
Published in
2 min readDec 19, 2022

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We are happy to announce that Xavier Haniquaut is joining Rayon! Xavier previously worked at AB InBev, and lives in Lille, France. We had a talk about life, work and joining our company…

Of all places, why join Rayon?

X.H.: I recently went through a tough time personally & professionally. The way that I figured to be the most virtuous for overcoming it was to get really involved in something that I’d be passioned about. I knew that my previous colleague and friend Quentin Tardivon, senior software engineer at Rayon, was super passioned about the company, so I reached out to him and things played out from there.

Now that I am joining Rayon, I’m thrilled to get to work in an environment where everyone is involved, kind and knowledgeable. I know the road won’t always be smooth, but I’m ready for the challenges! Oh, and the bonus is, while still being early stage, the product already feels magical.

You are joining Rayon as a Senior Software Engineer. What specifically interests you in software development?

X.H.: I have always seen a parallel between software development and craftsmanship. Both involve taking raw materials (or nothing at all) and turning them into something new, useful, and beautiful using the experience and creativity at your disposal. I love that our job involves building new and exciting things while constantly learning and growing. It’s a rewarding and addictive process.

What is your idea of time well spent, when not working?

X.H.: I love to focus on taking care of and improving the things I love and enjoy. To me this means staying connected with my friends, investing in the place where I live and spending time in the kitchen for me or whoever is with me! #selfcare

What’s the best thing you’ve ever built?

X.H.: I’m really proud of my record collection and the whole homemade amplification system that I built to go with it. It feels like a never-ending project that only I can appreciate the updates to, but that is the beauty of it, I get to build stuff for my own enjoyment out of love and care.

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