I still don’t know many things even though 43 age

Daehyun Lim (Ray)
Ray’s Life Story
Published in
2 min readMay 27, 2020

I was born December 1976. I’m 43 years old.

When I was young, I thought when I forties, I married and have a child and life is stable. But real is not true. I still not married, don’t have child and my life is not stabl, dynamic.. so many new things are happen every day and strive to survive.

Most of all is there are many thing that I don’t know.

I’m still feel I need more study about languages, especially English, new technology informations, leadership, management skill, communication skill etc.

In case English, I need to improve my English skill for work, because of my company need to communication with overseas companies.

I joined my company 2 years ago. Before join this company, I didn’t need use English for work. After joined current company, I work at marketing department and I must communication with overseas companies and search information written English. My colleage who speaks English well is helping me but I need to communication directly.

So I decide started study English at that time. I study English though online class and watch English news such as CNBC, CNN and read the English news. Also, I write useful English sentences and I try to memorize that. But I feel still my English skill is lack.

And leadership, communication, management skill are knowledge that I need to study more. I still feel difficult when I communication with my team during meeting or direction task. I always think that how I doing or direction is more efficient way or method.

Therefore there are so much informations and knowledge that I don’t know, so I still study hard more and more. Search informations and knowledges and then need understand about that to make a my knowledge.

It seems take a more time to make a my knowledge than I was young. After read some information or meomrize some English words and sentences, I forget easily. So I need to read and memorize again and again.

Time is like arrow. Time is so fast like flying. Our average life time is longer than before. I’m 43 years old but I need study more and more to survive.

Recently, I ask to my self below,

What is good way to survive in my life? What life is good for me? Why still there are many things that I don’t know? How was my life during 43 years? How will my left life?

Life is always ask to us why. I think that life is explore to search answer about why.

In next acticle, I will try write about my 43 years story….



Daehyun Lim (Ray)
Ray’s Life Story

I’m working in IT industry and I try to study English. I would like communicate with various people in here.