
Daehyun Lim (Ray)
Ray’s Life Story
Published in
2 min readMay 25, 2022

What do you think about relationship? We probably hear and say this word in our lives. I think we all know that relationships are important. However, we often neglect them. This is because so many people and countries are fighting even in this time. Wars continue every day around the world, and many people are fighting against discrimination, unfairness and injustice in workplaces or the society.

In my opinion, we can reason and solve all kinds of conflicts that happen among relationships in our world. This is because all kinds of conflicts come from problems of relationships among people, organizations, companies and countries. If we try to build a better relationship with one another, our world will become a better place to live. The reality is that our real life is getting more conflicting, and more and more people tend to be aggressive to other people.

Isn’t it very strange? We all know the importance of relationships but many people ignore and break relationships with other people, organizations and countries. Why do these situations occur in the 21st century? Sometimes, when I see the ridiculous incidents around the world, I can’t believe I am living in 2022.

Therefore, I have decided to write an article about ‘Relationship’. Everyone probably knows the meaning of a relationship. However, many people do not know how to make relationships last. I think that if we try to keep in touch and deepen our relationships with people, organizations and countries around us, our world will become a better place to live in.

I’m not sure when I could finish writing this article, but hopefully, many people will recognize the importance of relationships and try to improve their relationships with people around them. Also, I hope I will recognize and understand the real meaning of relationship, and then aim to become a better person.



Daehyun Lim (Ray)
Ray’s Life Story

I’m working in IT industry and I try to study English. I would like communicate with various people in here.