The reason why I like drama ‘Hospital Playlist’

Daehyun Lim (Ray)
Ray’s Life Story
Published in
4 min readSep 29, 2021

The Korean drama ‘Hospital Playlist’ is one of the popular dramas in recent Korea. This dream is consist two seasons and each season consist 12 episodes. Today, I would like to tell about why ‘Hospital Playlist’ is so popular in Korea, and the reasons why I love to this drama. Maybe, this drama is top ranking among my favorite drama list.

  1. What is the ‘Hospital Playlist’?

‘Hospital Playlist’ is humanity Medical drama. This drama’s storyline start when 5 friends who are graduated same medical university are join same big hospital after 20 years(when their age is 40). The drama describe about 5 friends’ life in the hospital — how they treat their patience with sincere mind, how they treat their colleagues (doctors, nurses and staffs of all kind of hospital) and their real friendship. The unique one of the features in this drama is that there are not exist villain, so many people called this drama as Good hearted drama.

2. The reason 1: Can feel Humanity and Mindset of respectful

Typically, there are exist villains in any dramas in South Korea. And if there are so many villains are appear in the drama, usually we called ‘Mak Jang’ drama. Many people are usually say like ‘I don’t like ‘Mak Jang’ drama or I want to disappear ‘Mak Jang’ dramas forever, but when a kind of ‘Mak Jang’ drama start telecast on TV, many people try to watch that dramas. I don’t know why they are.

The same with medical dramas. Many doctors in drama are described person who are no mercy, no kindness, no respect to their patience, and only obsessed ambitions for success. But in the “Hospital Playlist’, there not exist these kind of doctors. Almost doctors in the drama are always treat their patience with respect mind, and especially 5 friends (main characters) are really genuine their patients. They trying to find better way for their patients, and willing to explain about patients’ disease more detail and easily with sincerity, kindly and consolation.

And, 5 main characters are treat all workers in the hospital with respect mind. They always have good relationships with all workers of hospital like doctors, nurses, cleaning crew, security team, and so on. They willing to say hello first and help something other people when they are busy.

I think that above situations are seems occur very difficult in our life, even though many of us are dreaming that kind of society. Therefore, in my opinion, many people are love ‘Hospital Playlist’ because the society in this drama is ideal society we are dreaming.

3. The reason 2: Good collegiality (very ideal)

In the ‘Hospital Playlist’, almost of workers (especially doctors and nurses) are working harmony — they are willing to help each other, willing to cover other person’s weakness, and willing to listen carefully from other person’s anxious and worry and they provide advices and consolations carefully. Moreover, almost of characters in the drama are cheer and support their colleagues’ success and development with sincerely mind.

Probably, we all are dream this kind of life in the workplaces, houses and relationships with people. But, as you know, there are so many conflicts between people — colleagues, friends and family in our real life. If we all are trying to effort to have a warm heart and treat other people with more respectful mind, our world will certainly become better place to live.

This reason is why many people love to ‘Hospital Playlist’. It seems this reason is a thread of connections between the reason2 and reason3.

4. The reason 3: Not realistic and available receive consolation

The last reason why I love to ‘Hospital Playlist’ is that this drama is not realistic. This seems likely listen like ironically. Many of us want to our world getting better year and year, but our world is become more and more lose humility, increasing conflict between countries and people, and getting wider gaps between poor and rich people.

Perhaps, the most reason why ‘Hospital Playlist’ is so popular in South Korea is that this drama is not realistic. During the people watching ‘Hospital Playlist’, perhaps they will received consolation from drama. If we all willing to try to live like 5 friends characters in ‘Hospital Playlist’, our world will getting better place for all of us.

If you don’t watch ‘Hospital Playlist’ yet, I highly recommend you watch this drama. You will certainly feel warm heart and receive consolation. You can find ‘Hospital Playlist’ on Netflix.



Daehyun Lim (Ray)
Ray’s Life Story

I’m working in IT industry and I try to study English. I would like communicate with various people in here.